2. Cancel the Dead Quarter of your listings
Your current inventory of overpriced homes containing unmotivated sellers is dragging EVERYthing down: the listing agent, your advertising budget, your office staff, your neighborhood reputation, the market in general…and the sellers themselves. Let them GO. NOW.
Your current inventory can be divided into four groups, based on two parameters. The first parameter is motivation; they either want to sell or stay. There is NO in between, NO middle ground. They move or they don’t.
The second parameter is price; they’re either priced at market value, or above it. Every listing agent must meet with every seller and determine where the sellers are within these parameters.
Quadrant 1: Stay/Priced High = The Dead Quarter, Cancel them.
Quadrant 2: Stay/Priced Right = Probe for motive. Do they really want to move?
Quadrant 3: Sell/Priced High = Reduce the price now.
Quadrant 4: Sell/Priced Right = SOLD. Your key group.
For the list of all 7, go to davidknox.com