SEWER LATERAL hardly a topic one wants to discuss, but a very important consideration and negotiation item (and could be pricey) when buying/selling real estate in Alameda CA.
I didn't know anything about, and still have limited knowledge of what a sewer lateral is, until I moved to Alameda CA.
- Here, prior to sale, properties over 25 years old must have the sewer lateral tested for infiltration.
- If it passes the test, it is certified for 5 years and need not be tested if it is re-sold during that period
- If it fails, it must be repaired or replaced, and then re-tested
- Replaced laterals are certified for 25 years
Whenever I show or list properties in Alameda, I have to explain to my clients that we have specific requirements pertaining to sewer lateral and gas cut off valve. Invariably, they ask, what is a sewer lateral?
I searched for information explaining what a sewer lateral is, and the best FAQ I found is from Lake County CA's website about Sewer Lateral Cleanout.l Wish our own City of Alameda had this type of info on their website; but I'll settle for this one.
Lake County even provided a graphic explaining who's responsible for what.
Alameda Sun, a local newspaper, featured an article on "Who's Responsible?" where a homeowner was given a bid of $7000 to replace/repair a sewer lateral. When the homeowner contacted the City of Alameda, she was told that this portion of the repair is actually the City's responsibility.
In this case, a city tree's roots were found to be the cause of the damage to the lateral. According to Tim Higares, code enforcement officer for the city, if a city tree or something the city has done has caused damage to a sewer lateral, the city will do the repair.
In Alameda, there are specific testing procedures and requirements. We also have a Local Ordinance disclosure
So if someone asks me about sewer lateral, I will have this info handy!