
2008 Ends on a Really Good Note for Clarksville, Tennessee

Real Estate Agent with CENTURY 21 Platinum Properties 314831

Investing in a home in Clarksville, Tennessee is an investment in growth. Clarksville was named one of the top 10 fastest growing cities in the nation and the fastest growing city in Tennessee.  When the Kiplinger Report came out early in the year Clarksville made national news in real estate as “The city slated to do the best is Clarksville, Tenn., between Nashville and Fort Campbell, Ky., with a projected 6.4% gain through 2009. And, this past week the City of Clarksville and HSC two division of Dow Corning Corp ventures announced that in 2009 Clarksville could be redefined as not only the proud home of the 101st Airborne Division and Fort Campbell, and a key urban gateway to scenic Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, but Clarksville will also begin to acquire the new distinction of being a U.S. hub for the alternative energy movement. The new massive polycrystalline silicon manufacturing plant will be built here with a $1.2 billion dollar initial investment to build the new site in Clarksville. The state of Tennessee is giving Austin Peay State University located here in Clarksville, Tennessee $6.4 million dollars for a program to prepare potential workers for the anticipated initial 500 new jobs that will be created through the new plant.


As far as the real estate market goes here in Clarksville we are truly blessed. Yes, we have slow times and periods where many of us don’t know where the next client will be, but if we work hard there are lots of opportunities. I Wish You All A Healthy and prosperous New Year, remember everything is going to be Just Fine in 2009! Happy New Year!


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Michelle Tucker ~ Pooler Real Estate
!Daley Real Estate - Pooler, GA
Rincon~Savannah~Richmond Hill

Marie in Clarksville TN - I just had a good friend move up that way.  She said the area is beautiful and offers alot of opportunities to the military families stationed at Fort Campbell.  Great to know that Clarksville is that next hot spot to live?   How is the cost of living? 

Jan 28, 2009 03:03 PM
Marie LaVoise, CENTURY 21 Platinum Properties
CENTURY 21 Platinum Properties - Clarksville, TN

Hi Michelle, According to compairing the cost of living in Montgomery, AL to Clarksville, TN. Groceries are 11% less; Housing is 29% less; Utilities are 24% less and Transportation and Health Care are both 6% less in Clarksville. Clarksville is a gem that is just starting to be uncovered. Along with all of the money that the state has allocated to the university the local school district has joined in and is enlarging its science program so that the children of today will be ready to be the workforce of tomorrow here in Clarksville.

Jan 29, 2009 07:57 AM