New Years always get me motivated - so I start cleaning, throwing away trash, organize and file papers, and on and on...
This is a great time to :
clean up that database...
delete those unused icons off your desktop...
let GO of those potential leads that will never pan out...
delete old and junk email...
throw out all those old condiments from the back of the fridge that only have an inch of stuff in them...
trash those packages of meat in the freezer that are covered with frost...
are you REALLY going to eat that last half an ounce of cereal in those four boxes that are in the cabinet?
let go of that jar of specialty mustard in the cupboard that someone gave you for christmas 4 years ago...
clear out all the linens in the linen closet that you put there 10 years ago when you moved in...
ragged and torn towels are great for the why do they keep showing up in my bathroom?
if the elastic is worn, it's time to buy new underwear...
Just go ahead and drink that wine in the wine rack...what the heck are your saving it for? And it's always good to rotate stock!