It's 2009 Happy New Year
I got up this morning and it suddenly dawned on me it’s a New Year, and a New Year means “New Business” Think about it for just a few moments; after the parties, the noise makers, the party hats there are a million different kinds of calendars out there. What a way to remind a client or potential client that it’s a New Year and maybe time for a New Home?
Yes, I know we all do the promotional calendars but like the one I sent my number two brother, “Hot Rod Cars” or the one I sent to my Doctor “Joke For A Day”, it’s better than a picture of me hanging on their wall. Who would of imagined how many different calendars are out there and guess what, you can get them for 50%. A twitter friend from Connecticut suggests appointment books also.
A New Year also brings resolutions and new goals. Looking at Amazon. Com. Three of the top ten best sellers deal with health or financial well being. I’ve noticed on television over the last two days at least 3 ads for weight loss surgery and at least 5 for gym memberships. I long for the political season to return. Those ads at least were comical.
Putting your financial and health goals on the front burner is great to start with, but another great goal for 2009 is to purchase a new home. Regardless of what the boo-hoers are saying now is the greatest time in 20 years to buy a home. Inventory is up, sellers are motivated and interest rates are at a historical low. Why not consider moving up and getting that extra bath and bedroom you’ve needed for so long. Or as many first-time home buyer’s have discovered home ownership is still the greatest investment they can make. And with a basement or extra bedroom they could purchase my hardly ridden exercise bike and start their own in home gym.
As a Realtor it’s time to get out there and start drumming up that “new business”. Everyone else it’s time to consider getting that new home, setting goals and staying on track towards those new resolutions.
To begin the search for that new home visit The H Team and search the MLS.