
Don't wait for 2009 --Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever

Real Estate Agent with Realty Exeutives Hudson Valley

Decisions have been made. I am going to turn around the Real Estate market myself for myself and others. Sounds crazy-right? Well it seems that someone made a determination to get rich at the expense of others and it happened why can't I change things myself.

Everybody join me..Don't cheer from the sidelines...get in the game ....It's 3rd and long with 10 seconds to go but all we need is to get over that little line. Don't let anything stop you(unless it's illegal of course)!!

So...Are you with me!!! Everybody with me say  "AYE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Don Sabinske
Don Sabinske, Sabinske & Associates Inc. - Zimmerman, MN
Sabinske & Associates Inc.

I applaud your enthusiasm!  Those of us still standing will be in the game! 

Jan 06, 2009 12:43 AM
Ellie McIntire
Ellicott City Clarksville Howard County Maryland Real Estate - Ellicott City, MD
Luxury service in Central Maryland

You had better believe it. I have a great offence and deffence for this market.

Jan 06, 2009 12:46 AM
Scott Kniskern
Rogers Realty & Auction - Mount Airy, NC

Great pep talk! We could all use a shot of your enthusiasm. I also agree with you. WE dictate our success, not the market or economy. Good luck in 2009!

Jan 06, 2009 12:49 AM
Tom Bates
Austin Modern Living - Austin, TX

I'm with ya!

Jan 06, 2009 12:49 AM