Welcome to the City Of Salem, MA located 18 miles of north of Boston. Settled in 1626 when Roger Conant arrived with the first settlers, Salem has been a city rich in history. Famous for the witch trials of 1692, the local economy has thrived from tourism, manufacturing, medical facilities as well as a strong presence of state and county government employment. Salem Hospital, North Shore Children's Hospital, Salem State College, Offices of Essex County Government, Salem Superior & Probate Courts are just some of the key institutions that continue to make Salem one of the hottest "hubs" north of Boston. A cultural of diversity in it's people, housing and employment opportunities makes Salem an excellcent and affordable community to live in. For more information about Salem, Massachusetts just click on the link provided: http://www.salem.com
For a no obligation e neighborhood report email: mike.ross@nemoves.com today to learn more about Salem, MA housing opportuities and investment properties.