
Montrose Colorado Sales Numbers 2008

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker Realty SL3503488

So the end of the year and the start of a new one. Below are the numbers for Montrose Colorado These nu,bers are from the Montrose Area MLS System. They do not reflect any properties sold For Sale By Owner.

The Home Sales numbers are for the last 3 years.

                 Year                   # Homes Sold           $ Volume       Avg Price       Median Price       Days on Mkt

                  2008                            472                  105,224,014    222,932           195,750                    164

                  2007                            681                  149,985,007     220,242          191,690                    139

                  2006                            800                  174,435,489     218,044          185,955                    143

Lot Sales For the last 3 years are as follows:

             2008                         58

                  2007                       134

                 2006                        186

My opinion for 2009 sales for the Montrose area are to be slightly better than the numbers you see for 2008. I believe that 2008 was the bottom of the market as far as numbers of sales. As you can see over the last 3 years the average price of a home has increased. With mortgage rtaes at 37 year lows right now this is the time to buy. If you have any questions please contact me 

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Coldwell Banker Realty Orlando                                                                                                             

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