I stumbled across this quote this morning while I was drinking my coffee, checking my facebook, and listening to "Ave Maria" by Maria Callas. As I read it, it struck me how true this actually is.
Here is the quote:
"...gradual change is usually more fruitful in the long run than is forced, ultra-aggressive upheaval. Undertaken wisely, steady transitions cultivate authenticity, groundedness, and virtues--like patience, compassion (for self and others), and perseverance. All these qualities improve your probability of success when, ultimately, you do figure out how to actualize your personal vision." Marsha Sinetar.
When I look back at my life and through the lives of most that I know and even through my old History books, I see this truth displayed time and time again. It seems especially relevant to us in the tumultuous times. Sometimes it's as if we expect the economy to just pop back in the blink of an eye. Maybe we expect our new President, Barack Obama, to fix it all within minutes of his inauguration. But the reality is, that we are going to have to come together and work as a unified body to fix this. It will take time, but, in the long run it will be much better than any "Quick Fix" we could come up with.
Helping and serving others seems to be the key.
Be Blessed
Nick Underwood
WhatIf?Realty, Realtor
(770) 899.0962
Original Post @ What If? Realty.com