
Upcoming meeting of the Western Kentucky REIA

Services for Real Estate Pros with Greg Taylor and Associates, PLLC

Just wanted to pass along a reminder concerning this month's meeting of the Western Kentucky Real Estate Investment Association.

We will be meeting next Thursday, January 15, at 7:30 p.m. at our normal place on the 3rd floor of the Curris Center.

This month's topic will be Foreclosure Investing Strategies. With the current economy and foreclosures increasing, this will be a very beneficial meeting for those of you interested in investing in foreclosures. We hope to see everyone there.

Have a great week,

Greg Taylor

President, WKREIA


Creative Property Solutions, Inc.

Greg Taylor, President

306-B South 12th Street

P.O. Box 1327

Murray, KY 42071

Ph 270-761-HOME

Fax 270-761-4558

Gregory T. Taylor, Esq.

306-B South 12th St.

P.O. Box 505

Murray, KY 42071

Ph/Fax 270-761-4558