Here Are 5 Great Reasons to Buy:
#5- Foreclosures on the Rise:
Banks need money, not property. This is an opportunity for an aggressive buyer to buy at the low end of the market and capitalize on the opportunity.
#4- Poor Dads are telling you not to buy, but Rich Dads are keeping this time a secret:
Every wonder why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Poor Dads will talk themselves and everyone they know out of a opportunity. Rich Dads will execute a plan at an opportunity and be successful. Are you a Rich Dad or Poor Dad?
#3- Supply and Demand:
Economic rule 101, The higher the supply, the lower the demand. We have a high supply of homes on the market that are at historically low prices and we have limited supply of buyers. What this means is that buyers have the choice of the best properties that can be bought for the best price.
#2- The media is scaring away competition:
Years ago when the media was stating that the market was a great time to buy, you had 20 buyers bidding to purchase one home at prces above listed prices. Today, the media states that its a bad time for homes. Its only bad for people that are selling. If you are buying, then this is the market for you.
#1- The Interest Rates are LOW!!!
Lets see here, Low Price + Low Payment = Deal!!!
Prices and Rates are so low, Today's Home Buyers are stealing homes with stellar monthly payments. Some lower than rent.
Contact Kevin Hottmann today!
Let him be your key to your next home purchase.