
picasa photos

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Aerospace Realty

Help does anyone know how to attach photos to ones active rain site using picasa.  I have all these really nice photos but I dont know how to get them to active rain.  Also how can I get the link to my active rain site, so that is one of the first things you see.

Any advice would be great.


Janet Brown


Tosha Tate-Dickson
Finair Management Group Inc. - South Holland, IL

Hi Janet, I'm no guru at this, as a matter of fact I just learned how to post pictures today.

  • Click the Home or Active Rain link at the top of the page - this takes you to AR'S main page
  • Scroll down to 'More Information' - right side of the page
  • Click on 'Online Resources'
  • Scroll down to 'Tools that will help you'
  • Click 'How to add pictures' by Kristal Kraft

Kristal's instructions are really good, they helped my post my first set of pictures.  Oh, one more thing, I had to turn-off my blocker pop-up command.

Hope this helps.

Jan 13, 2009 12:08 PM