
Speak clearly or listen closely.

Home Inspector with AllSpec Professional Property Inspections Inc


 It's Sunday afternoon and I dozing off on my couch. The phone rings and it's a Realtor wanting clarification on a roof issue. I can hear screaming in the background.

She wanted to know if I wanted both roofs reroofed. One roof (sloped one)was three years old the other was a flat roof 10+. The flat was a mess and suggested it be replaced. 

This is what probably occurred, I was talking to my client and Realtor about the flat roof and said the roof had to be replaced.  The Realtor heard that the roof had to be replaced but didn't realize I was talking about the flat roof.

My error was that I should have said only the flat roof has to be replaced.








AllSpec Professional Property Inspections Inc is a home inspection company doing home inspection in Miami Dade county, Broward county, and Palm Beach county. I am a certified inspector by the highest and best in the profession my grandson. See picture below. His testing is second to none and he proctors all his tests and personally checks on my CEUs. If I get lax or out of hand he will suspend my certification. It is the most prestigious and limited home inspection organization on earth. He is currently researching a certified master board certification but he thinks some guy already register it. He is in contact with a major university to start a doctoral program in home inspection.


Nalliah Thayabharan
Expert Building Inspections Ltd - Markham, ON
Home Inspector - Commercial Building Inspector Toronto

Very important three things..


Take Care

Nalliah Thayabharan 


May 01, 2007 04:27 PM
Jim Watzlawick
Watz Home Inspections - Algonquin, IL
Watz Home Inspections
Communication is always the key, many times a seller or buyer can misunderstand your meaning so you have to be very clear.
May 15, 2007 03:45 AM