The Home Insurance Prices are sky rocking. If the Governmner does not intervene, we will have a huge problem in the South Florida housing market. The snow birds can not afford the high insurance and will find a "new"
sunny winter residence (maybe the Carolinas?) Why don't we require an insurance company, who want to do business in the State of Florida, that they have offer EVERY kind of insurance. It shoud not be allowed that
they can pick and choose to only insure cars - but no homes, or only homes west og I-95?
We are also fearing of loosing the International investors. Americans can retire in Panama, Europe, Spain...
but the US does not have a special visa for retirees. They have to go home after their 90 day visa expires
and come back! How often do you think they will do this?
Many condominium owners received big assessment on tp of the high tax increase. I have several clients, who
need to sell, because they can not afford the increase of their monthly expenses. Maybe the increase in the homestead deduction would help ease the burden, especially after the two year with hurricane damages.
Christel Silver, P.A.