If You Have A Property That Just Won't Sell In Florida Auction It and Get 3%
Most Realtors don't know that if they have a listed property that they don't seem to be able to sell they can refer it for auction and they will receive a commission of 3% of the highest accepted bid at the auction. That's the way most auction companies work it, The listing and buyer's agents commissions are paid from the buyer's premium. The standard buyer's premium is usually 10%. So, a listing agent can receive 3% just for referring the property and if by chance after the referral they represent a buyer for the property the agent will still get the additional 3% for the buyer's side. The best part is the seller doesn't pay the commission. Especially good because most sellers have lost a lot of their equity in today's market.
Bob Calistri, Broker
Real estate Auctions, llc.