

Real Estate Agent with First Realty


Many of you are feeling like this after the holidays of too much to eat, too much sleep, too much spending and too much socializing. We have all found ourselves swimming in the pool of self pity about our weight, our finances, our social life or lack thereof, our future, our present or our past. BUT ONE THING YOU MUST NOT DO IS TO QUIT OR GIVE UP OR THROW IN THE TOWEL.

Remember, today may be the best day of your life so give today a chance! If you are in the world of real estate looking for a home or selling your home, depending on which side you are on, you will have many mixed emotions.

If you are a seller in today’s market and your property is located in the Lakeway area in Hamblen, Jefferson, Grainger and surrounding counties in Tennessee, you need to understand it may take twice as long to sell your home in this market. In many price points, there are over 13 months of inventory on hand for buyers to choose from. To sell your home in this market, you must be willing to price your home accordingly or you may want to rent it during this time and put it back on the market when the economy recovers. Either way, our area is far more fortunate than most parts of the country.

If you are a buyer and you are able to obtain a loan from the bank to purchase a home, there will never be a better time to purchase during these times with record foreclosures and incredible home values. And did I mention the historical low interest rates! My recommendation to you is to buy and buy now if you are financially able to do so. Find an experienced and dependable Realtor to help you find the best home at the best price for you! And remember….

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could . Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in: forget them as soon a you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense” Ralph Waldo Emerson