Every year as I walked up and down dozens of icy stairs with the cold wind blowing in my face I would asked myself, "Why am I doing this?" I would try to answer by saying it was good exercise, and would save me some money. On Saturday, I got an even better answer: leads. For the second year in a row I walked up and down the streets of my farm area posting fridge calendars to the home owner's front doors. Sometimes people would see me walking to their door and open it before I even got there. One particular lady opened the door and looked at me with much surprise. In her hands she was holding paint swatches. I introduced myself and handed her a fridge calendar. The ironic thing is that she was looking at paint swatches because her family is getting ready to sell their home. Talk about being in the right place at the right time.
So, this is then when I realized I'll do this all over again next year. I'll probably ask myself the same questions wondering why I'm doing this, but hopefully I remember the lady with the paint swatches.