Starting a website for personal or professional use can be a bit daunting because of all the choices out there! To help you figure out the best hosts and platforms for your site, turn to Compare Web Hosts, your complete, unbiased web hosting resource!
One of the biggest choices you will have in creating your new site will be what kind of hosting will you have? There are many kinds; however, the two main platforms used are Windows Web Hosting or Linux Web Hosting. Both have pro's and cons and fill slightly different needs very well. Which is best? Ultimately that is up to you and what you need your site to be able to do or be compatible with.
A big pro of Linux is that its applications are free, so if you happen to have your own server, then you will be able to save a ton of money. If; however, you will be using a web host to rent space, then the difference in cost between Linux and Windows will be none, as you will be paying your web host, no matter which you choose, for space on their server.
A pro of Windows is all the applications you can use. Not only can you use all Microsoft applications, but all the applications that Linux can use are compatible as well. So with Windows you open yourself up to many more applications.
To learn even more about Windows Web Hosting or Linux Web Hosting, take a look at the Compare Web Hosts Blog or the Compare Web Hosts website. You will find unbiased information to help you choose what web hosts, applications and server types will make your business or personal site the best it can be!