
If one door closes, go through another one

Home Stager with Stage It Today 40354912

As many of you probably agree, we have many moments of triumph where it seems like everything that we have worked so long and hard to create as business owners has finally paid off and we feel like we are drinking out of a fire hydrant with incoming business.

Then there are the days (like the one I had yesterday) where it seemed too quiet.  There wasn't any inquiry for me nor is there anything for me on the books.  So, I had a bad day.  I got overwhelmed and started thinking that I had already used up all my marketing tactics and felt stuck as how  to bring in more business.

But, the most wonderful thing for me to do was to go to bed last night and lay down and relax, then new ideas starting churning in my brain and I became excited again.  Just a little quiet time helped me to refocus and pull out ideas that have been "sandboxed " in my brain for a while.  I decided to do some of those scary and uncomfortable marketing ideas that I have been too nervous to try.

My point today is this, do not get down if you have a slow or negative day!  You are very creative and are successful because you have gotten this far already. If you feel stuck, sit down and pull out one on those creative marketing strategies  that you've hidden because you don't feel confident in yourself to do it.  What I think will happen, is that if you just try it, it will quite possibly be the breakthrough that you have been looking for!


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Lori Kim Polk
Premiere Home Staging : Home Staging Services - Roseville, CA
Home Stager - Roseville, Sacramento
Letitia.. great post.  Those are the days that I take a walk to a lake I live close to.  Just to look at something so massive allows me to regroup and often look at things a little differently. It energizes me to take risks that I may have been contemplating. Use those down times for you, for pampering( which I tend to forget when I get busy) and for your inner self.  If one door closes, why not open two more :)
May 01, 2007 02:23 AM
Yvonne Brown
Century 21 Northwest - Gilbert, AZ
You put it so perfectly - it is super easy to get wrapped up in everything and feel overwhelmed and all you need is to take a step back sometimes and just breathe!
May 01, 2007 03:35 AM
Kathleen Lordbock
Keller Williams Realty Professionals - Baxter, MN
Keller Williams Realty Professionals

"But, I've learned to embrace those down days, take a nice breather, re-group and get organized." - Kelly

I do this as well & look at it as a time to clean my own house - do a little rearranging, plan & get back out to get  more business. 


May 01, 2007 03:52 AM
George Tallabas
RE/MAX Advantage - Nampa, ID
Idaho Real Estate
Right on Letitia....Many times even the best of people become dejected and lose hope.  Just like our Lord rose from the grave we can do the same in a different way and rise from our lost hope.   I have been down this road more than once and it is amazing how we can find that dertermination inside of us to keep going and to get back in the race. Thanks for a great post and have a great day.
May 01, 2007 03:59 AM
Ana Connell
G & C Properties - Burbank, CA
Burbank Real Estate Agent
I agree, great post!
May 01, 2007 04:09 AM
Tammy Stone
I did this just this weekend.  Someone gave me some advice to "take the day off" - so I did.  I relaxed in the sun, slept a little, and read a book.  Nothing happens by coincidence.  The book I read was, "The On-Purpose Person."  Great fast read that helped me refocus my life and where and what I wanted to do in Real Estate.  We have to learn how to take the time and be quiet once in awhile!!!
May 01, 2007 04:40 AM
Sandi Gerrard
Toronto, ON
Good advice - and never stop believing in yourself.
May 01, 2007 04:41 AM
Jay Burnham
Coldwell Banker - Beverly, MA
The Coldwell Banker Guy

Dear Lititia...Great blog, so true.  I am actually working on a marketing promotion that will, IMMHO, blow my competion is a huge risk, but suggests huge reward.  I'll let you know what it is once I have "launched" it.


Jay Burnham, VP
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
North Shore, Massachusetts 





May 01, 2007 05:18 AM
Christy Powers
Keller Williams Coastal Area Partners - Pooler, GA
Pooler, Savannah Real Estate Agent
I know how you feel....I have had lots of bad days. I look forward to every day I get whether it's bad or good.
May 01, 2007 05:29 AM
Michelle Minch
Moving Mountains Design Home Staging, Pasadena, CA - Los Angeles, CA
Home Staging Los Angeles and Orange County, CA
Letitia:  I actually look forward to those days when I have nothing on the books. There is always something I have neglected or put off that I can now pay attention to and clear off my desk and unclutter my mind - kind of like Brain Staging. My mind is then open to new ideas and new ways of looking at things.
May 01, 2007 06:55 AM
Charles Pennington
Credit Investigators, Inc - Winter Springs, FL

Hope you don't mind a few comments from a 64 year old retired Realtor.

One of the secrets that I learned in the Realestate business is to let others market you.

Having a slow day? Sit down and make a list of the most important and respected Business, Civic, Governmental leaders in your area.

Leading Business men and women, Judges, Mayors, Commissioners, congressmen/women and others.

Call each one on your list and insist on a personal meeting in their office or lunch or dinner. Refuse to take no for an answer, even if the appointment is two months away. If they ask the purpose of the meeting. It is for some business advice.

At this meeting you will tell them that you have watched and admired their success and just wanted their ideas on how to make your career more successful in Realestate. Most will be flattered that you sought them out for advice. Don't ask them for business, just advice. Keep the meeting to the agreed upon time and ask if you can rely on them for future advice from time to time. They will agree to become your hi-level advisor and mentor. Call them from time to time in the future or write them to let them know how you are doing and how you have appreciated their time and advice. Remember them on Holidays with a card!

You might be supprised to find that you are included in their thoughts from that day forward when Realestate is the topic. I made millions in Realestate following this very method. Those very influential people seemed to have a vested interest in my success from that day forward.

Success and rewards come from being a consomate professional, knowledgeable, doing smart work and who knows you!

These influential people love to mentor others and will put you in positions for earnings that you never dreamed about. They are all involved in Realestate and may bring you to the table at any time. My phone rang many many times asking me to quietly check on this property or another as they wanted to remain in the background until the deal was ready to sign.

This has to be a long term trusted relationship proposition, not a one time call and forget it.

Try it When you want make serious money.

Hope some of this will be of assistance to you and others.

May 01, 2007 07:36 AM
Margaret Woda
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. - Crofton, MD
Maryland Real Estate & Military Relocation
Great comments, Charles.  'Not retired, but the same vintage, and I agree 100%
May 01, 2007 07:43 AM
Cynthia Sloop
Community Association Manager - Indianapolis, IN
I agree that it is important to shake off the negetive as fast and as soon as possible.  Welcome to AR and congrats on the featured post.
May 01, 2007 07:49 AM
Roger Stensland
Keller Williams Realty Puget Sound - Maple Valley, WA
Let's Move!
I've been through a few of those days myself.  Like you said, use the quiet time to brainstorm new ways to improve your business.
May 01, 2007 09:58 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans

Letitia..... this is a great point and a great way to look at things. I also think Charles listed some good ideas. I also did a post on different ideas. I don't want to be taking away from you blog, but maybe there will be some ideas in here that will help. Attracting business in a down market....2007!

Overall... well-written.

On another note.... CONGRATS on your 1st featured blog.









                                                                       jeff belonger


May 01, 2007 10:04 AM
Letitia Hodenfield
Stage It Today - Rochester, MN
Making Rochester Beautiful One Home At A Time
Thanks to everyone who has commented on this post.  I am so grateful to know that first of all, we all have moments like this and also to see that everyone who truly loves what they do and who they are dust themselves off  and keep on climbing.  That is why we are successful and will continue to rise higher than we ever thought.  I love what Charles said, thank you, that is the best advise to anyone, to be humble and to surround yourself with "over the top" people to learn from them and be mentored.  This will acheive great success in life.
May 01, 2007 10:06 AM
Craig Schiller
Trempealeau, WI

Lately I have been called to do this more and more. But I see the postive results playing out in the work I do and how I live in the world.

Letitia thes are GOOD WORDS... for a Tuesday in the rain for sure.


May 01, 2007 11:58 AM
Ann Cummings
RE/MAX Shoreline - NH and Maine - Portsmouth, NH
Portsmouth NH Real Estate Preferrable Agent

Hi Letitia - what a great post this is, and thanks for sharing your 'quiet' time with us.  I, too, have found that if I just get quiet inside, I come up with some interesting things to re-energize and re-motivate me sometimes.  At night, while I'm 'sleeping', all kinds of ideas and solutions come to me.

Congrats on your gold star!

May 01, 2007 12:06 PM
Suzanne Bennett
Sold By Design - Saint Petersburg, FL
Sold By Design- St. Petersburg

Great post, Letitia.  I can relate to having a day like you've described.  Coincidently one was about 2 weeks ago and I ended up de-cluttering & organizing my own house :-)

Suzanne Bennett-Sold By Design

May 01, 2007 12:13 PM
Sue Shockley
Setting the Space - Plymouth, MA
It is just a reminder that we are not alone in the way think. These are things that we all have to overcome!  Encouragement is so important. There is not always people around so you have to learn to encourage yourself!  It seems that when I feel that feeling that nothing is happening is just before a  breakthough!  Thanks!  Sue
May 01, 2007 02:45 PM