As many of you probably agree, we have many moments of triumph where it seems like everything that we have worked so long and hard to create as business owners has finally paid off and we feel like we are drinking out of a fire hydrant with incoming business.
Then there are the days (like the one I had yesterday) where it seemed too quiet. There wasn't any inquiry for me nor is there anything for me on the books. So, I had a bad day. I got overwhelmed and started thinking that I had already used up all my marketing tactics and felt stuck as how to bring in more business.
But, the most wonderful thing for me to do was to go to bed last night and lay down and relax, then new ideas starting churning in my brain and I became excited again. Just a little quiet time helped me to refocus and pull out ideas that have been "sandboxed " in my brain for a while. I decided to do some of those scary and uncomfortable marketing ideas that I have been too nervous to try.
My point today is this, do not get down if you have a slow or negative day! You are very creative and are successful because you have gotten this far already. If you feel stuck, sit down and pull out one on those creative marketing strategies that you've hidden because you don't feel confident in yourself to do it. What I think will happen, is that if you just try it, it will quite possibly be the breakthrough that you have been looking for!