How many times have you wished for one more hour in the day? I know I often wish for one more hour of sleep, but that is not a productive task - relaxing and invigorating, yes, but let's think productive thoughts.
One more hour in the day .... think back to when we change the clocks, there is often an email or e-card that goes out asking what you will do with your "extra" hour - do you remember how you answered? I am sure a lot of us say spend time with our families and loved ones, a noble answer indeed! But let's narrow the question down to what would you do with one more hour during the work day?
If you could choose one work-related task you didn't have to do every day, what would it be?
•· Feedback calls?
•· Updating your sellers on market conditions & feedback?
•· Calling to set showings & mapping out your route?
•· Creating Flyers? Just Listed/Sold Postcards?
•· Updating listings on the web?
•· Coordinating closing activities?
Okay, now that you have a list of things you would like to have someone else do so you have that "extra hour" let's think about what that hour is worth to you? $30? $50? $22.50? J Now, one step more - if you had that extra hour one day a week for a month, would that be worth $100 to you? $200? $300?
We all have chores we don't like to do, if you didn't have to do it and it cost you less than $200 a month to NOT do it AND it helped you be more productive and increased your business would it be worth $200? $400? $600?
Call a Virtual Assistant; ask what it would cost you to have them do that one task a day; a week; a month for you! You might be surprised! Everyone needs a little help - what do you have to lose by asking a few questions and giving it a try?
By the way, I am a Virtual Assistant, and I don't have a minimum hour requirement, and I love to do little tasks to help you out! Ask me how I can help!