National Western Stock Show - Denver, CO
Yesterday was the Stock Show Kick-off Parade, it was a beautiful day for a parade and what a sight to see! Every January the National Western Stock Show comes to town, you can always tell when they have arrived - there are more cowboy hats and LOTS of trailers for livestock! Being a native I have attended many stock show events; kids in the state go there as a field trip nearly every year at every age; each time you see something different & fun! But never before have I attended the parade - now I can cross that off my list of Denver things to do!
The biggest draw and most amazing thing to see is the Longhorn Steers being "driven" through the central part of Downtown Denver! What a sight for a city girl! These massive animals being lead through town like it is an every day event!
There were bands, marching and riding on a trailer, there were lots of horses, a stage coach, and even our bravest Americans
The weather was beautiful and it was a great day to be in Denver! If you have never visited the Stock Show, this is your year! Take time to enjoy one of the great benefits of living here!