Type 2 is also called "non-insulin dependent diabetes" because some people who have it do not have to take insulin to stay alive. However, there are people who do need insulin shots to control blood glucose levels. It results when the body produces insufficient insulin to meet the body's needs, or when the cells of the body have become resistant to insulin's effect. While all Type 1 diabetics develop symptoms, only a third of those who have Type 2 diabetes develop symptoms. Diabetic patients receiving insulin should not be placed in isolation without frequent observation by guards to detect hypoglycemia. Assistance, including food, juice, or other sugar sources, should be readily available in the event of an insulin reaction.
You also need these apart from medicine
Support, motivation, education and up-to-date medical information provide the tools to help participants make lifestyle changes to maintain optimum blood sugar control and prevent complications. Our diabetes team consists of certified diabetes educators, registered dietitians and a registered pharmacist. You watch what you eat, stay physically active and take the diabetes medication prescribed by your doctor — but your blood sugar may still be too high.
During pregnancy, hormones are produced which prevent your insulin from working properly. This is why diabetes has appeared for the first time now that you are pregnant. Either way the ultimate poverty of effect of insulin is related to over weight or obesity. Knowing how your blood sugar levels change with various activities means you can adjust your level of insulin and minimize the risk of a hypo.
Recent clinical research shows that half of patients for whom oral diabetes medicines are not sufficient for them to reach blood sugar targets are delaying for at least four to six years before commencing insulin treatment. Even patients who are suffering from the complications of uncontrolled diabetes, such as neuropathy and retinopathy, which can lead to blindness, are still delaying insulin treatment" commented Professor Cefalu, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. This chemical keeps the body from absorbing insulin properly. Patients who used biofeedback and relaxation techniques together control their glucose levels much better than patients who are educated about stress in their lives alone. Later on treatments such as Gliclazide and other sulphonylurea or insulin may be required.