Happy New Year Peachtree City! I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has helped, coached, mentored or just keep me focused last year. I'd also like to send out a bunch of high five's to those that selected me as their real estate professional, sent me referrals, followed my blog, and/or motivated me in some way to persevere through a very tough year!
However, when I finally welcomed in 2009, I knew that this year was gonna be different. It was going to be different because, I like many others wanted to "Change" things in my life. Okay so CHANGE was the #1 buzzwords for 2008 according to Time! Just in case you are interested the other nine were "Bailout"; Hockey Mom, (& the pig with lipstick); Fist Bump (which is technically call "Givin dapp"); Nuke the Fridge, (check out the last Indy Jones sequel for interpretation); Staycation,(made popular by rising oil prices); Rickrolled, (a bait & switch for the new Grand Theft Auto); PUMA (Party Unity My Ass - made popular by the Hillary for prez campaign); Tweet (from Twitter), and Topless Meeting. This meeting does not feature a poll guys at your next meeting! It came from those Silicon Valley dudes that coined this phrase for their brain-storming meetings. Laptop, blackberrys and all other electronics were banned! Not a bad idea this year, huh!
So getting back to Change....for the County it will become a political reality with the induction of Mr. Obama as our 44th President. But what did it mean for me? Well, just the fact that changes in the economy had an impact on my thinking and the way I ran my business and life was becoming an eminent reality. But it also signaled that there was hope for change because my thinking and whole entire mindset and psyche had changed. One thing I do know is that once your mindset has changed it is easier to make the necessary physical changes. As I looked back on 2008 I wondered how I managed to keep 3 of my sons in college, help my daughter with plans to buy a building for her Veterinarian practice, assisted my oldest son's transition to married life and a new baby...yes I'm GG now, Grandpa Greg! Oh did I mention struggling with investment property problems, aging parents including my dad fighting cancer, 2 dogs, my own house and problems...... and finally last but not least - finding time for my beautiful wife, Kaye!
I finally realized that the glue that held things together was HOPE! F. Scott Fitzgerald once stated that the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise. "There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow," says Orison Marden. Hope is passion for what is possible.
Passion & Possibilities...hmmm! Well if I remember correctly, success definitely leaves clues. I just read in the book The Success Principles, by Jack Canfield about the 20/80 principle. No not Tyler Perry's 80/20 rule where most folks in a relationship can expect no more that 80%. However, Tyler further went on to say that small-minded cheaters would venture to give up that 80% to get that hot little 20%! No...this is the principle named after the 19th century economist Parento who stating that 20% of activity results in 80% of success. If that holds true than I need to re-assess where I am exerting most of my energy and what activities proved to be the most successful.
One of the things I will improve on in 2009 is developing a business plan. That's right we all need a road map if you want to know where you are going and how to get there. Not quite sure about your path? Not to worry, I've seen country roads that were not even visible roads until folks started walking down them. Ya gotta start somewhere! Otherwise....don't complain! Just expect my favorite cliche saying, "Whatever dude"! I personally plan on focusing and spending most of my time doing the things that have and will make me more successful. That may include saying "NO" to the good so you can say YES to the great opportunities that may present themselves. I am also going to evaluate my time on the computer with emails and on the phone chasing bad leads everything else that has been notorious time-stealers!
My most important change will be in developing a more work/life balance. That includes a regular exercise routine, healthy diet, more down time to include vacation time, volunteering in my community and most of all I'm going to try and make up for the time I've lost with my significant other. Well at least I hope so! I will also look for new mentors who can share their experience and consult me on the things that made them successful. The things I plan to continue is working with coaches, networking, receiving continuing education to hone my skill set and of course...blogging!
I'd like to hear from you on things that you may be changing or adding to boost your potential for success. By the way, should your change this year involve buying or selling a home, I hope you will contact me! And oh yeah....I'm never to busy for any of your referrals!
Here is wishing you a hopefully great 2009!