I admit, it does seem a bit backward, this whole social media thing. Basically, you give away top-notch information, via your content - articles, videos, ebooks, blog posts, webinars, etc. - and then you become a wild success...but the question that comes up over and over again, is 'HOW?' How do you make money if you are giving away your expertise for free?
One of my favorite authors, David Meerman Scott, who wrote the bestselling book The New Rules of Marketing & PR answers the question so well:
"This idea is not new. Starting in the 1960s, the Grateful Dead encouraged concertgoers to record their live shows by establishing "taper sections" where fans’ equipment could be set up for the best sound quality. The band encouraged Deadheads to trade tapes and make copies for friends. The cult of a Grateful Dead concert became a pre-Internet World Wide Rave driving millions to the band’s live shows over thirty years of touring and generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. "
Brilliant. That's exactly it. You give it away for free, so people take it. IF THE CONTENT IS GOOD (mind you this is a rather large necessity for success), THEY GIVE IT TO ALL OF THEIR FRIENDS. All of these friends want more now that they know about you...so they come and they see you for themselves (ticket sales) and they tell their friends and they want more...and they buy your goods and services.
Giving away your content, information, expertise...things to think about:
1. Don't just give it away to get something back. People will pick up on that somehow. Give information and value becuase you love what you do and want to share it.
2. Again, the content has to be good.
3. You can always work out strategies where you give a bunch for free, but the rest comes with a subscription or purchase.
4. Take pride in how things look - design, typos, the whole package needs to be considered.
5. This is part of your personal brand...and it will be attached to you forever - think about that.
6. Combine free and community service. Think free talks at the library where you teach people Do-It-Yourself home staging, finding the best mortgage deal or choosing the right realtor? It's not about you, it's about the topic - but you're the expert, you have the information.
7. This is about exposure. If people have to pay to find out who you are, they won't. But if they can find out who you are for free...and like you, they're a heck of a lot closer to paying you for your services.
Tell us your story. Have you tried giving it away for free? Why? Why not? Has it worked???