
Why We Are Too Far Gone. Say Goodbye to America as We Know It

Home Builder with CSR

$8 Trillion. Our Congress just passed another $350 billion bill to give that money to who knows who for who knows what. Congress can't tell us where the first $350 billion went or what good it did and yet they just voted to give $350 billion more.

HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? Where is the absolute outrage on our part. We are GONNERS! The APATHY has gone too far. I have completely lost hope in America to right it's course.

We have given our government a blank check. We have allowed them to spend all of our money and our children's money. We have authorized them to take more of our freedoms through legislation like the Patriot Act and others. We have acquiesced when they have trampled our rights without proper legislation (illegal wiretaps, loss of due process). Now we allow them to give away our money to private enterprise without any accountability.

Nothing will surprise me now. What a let down Americans have become. What a bunch of pathetic, apathetic, ignorant fools we are. I just can't believe that this passed without much adieu. I can't believe that President Elect Obama can talk about another $850 billion "Recovery Package" and yet I hear next to no complaints about it. It is a travesty that our government has been allowed to exercise so much power. It is a greater travesty that they have been allowed to do it without any accountability to us. It is the greatest travesty that I can watch a member of Congress say on the news that she wouldn't have authorized the new package but she did as there is a new "air of hope" in Washington. Are you kidding me? Here is $350 billion more because I feel better about the new President.

What will beome of us if we continue to allow such abuse of power. It doesn't matter weather you agree with the stimulus or not. How can we allow our representatives to spend such massive amounts of money so blindly? If they are not all voted out next eletion, then we deserve the hell that we are all about to endure.

We deserve the  corrupt, ignorant, and immoral government that we allow to stay in power. Why aren't I seeing the outrage? I am truly mourning the end of our great nation. I challenge anyone to argue this with me. Anyone?


Hugh Krone
Weichert Referral Associates - Hamburg, NJ
Realtor, Sussex County NJ

I was talking to someone on Christmas eve who is on a long term work vise here but is from Germany. He said the thing that he most doesn't understand is why the people are not protesting in the streets about what our government is doing to us. Don't get me wrong he loves this country and is not badmouthing  but we really have become apathetic. @Quite possibly  a prolonged depression is just what we need to wake us up and remember what made us great inthe first place.

Jan 17, 2009 01:05 AM
Broker Nick
South Florida Real Estate & Development, Inc. - Coconut Creek, FL
Broker Nick Relocation Broker Service

Christain ~

Aside from the illegal wiretaps, loss of due process part of your post, ( we are actually at war on terror and have to protect America at any cost, which by the way has saved many lives ), I totlally agree we have sold our souls to these fools in Congress. They sign bills they don't even read. How absurd, would anyone sign an important document without even reading it?

Jan 17, 2009 01:10 AM
Stephanie Pitel
Smart Referral Network, LLC - Glendale, AZ

I think there's outrage - we're just not seeing it on the evening news. I hear plenty on talk radio.  But, like Hugh said, I think we're lacking enough action.  Being involved in politics in my local area, I see a lot of activity by people working to try and fight our government overstepping its bounds.  It seems like they hope we'll tire of fighting and let them be.  Look at the negative response from Americans with the very first bailout and Congress just blew us off. It takes a lot of hard work.  And, we do need more Americans to persevere if we hope to make a difference.  And, we need to help educate each other.  When people don't even know the names of top elected officials and what they are doing, how can we possibly hope that they will know who to vote out?   I have a dear friend that grew up in Nairobi.  When we were in college, he told me he was always current on world affairs when living in Kenya.  After being in the US for a while, he said he watched Sports Center all the time and became less current on world affairs.  Like everyone else, I have a busy life and find it a struggle to keep up with politics, but it's so important to research current events and share info with each other or we won't even know to be outraged.


Jan 17, 2009 07:21 PM
Es r
CSR - Huntington, TX


 You are right on. I love this line from a John Lennon song that says of our government and Western way of life "...they keep you doped on religion, sex, and T.V....) It is a modern day repeat of Marx's statement that "...religion is the opiate of the masses"

Basically the powers that be dazzle us with all the entertainment and drugs to keep our eyes and minds off of what they are doing, and it works. Another example of the massive shell game that they are playing is in the mounds of legislation that they write. Good leaders do not write legislation, they enforce what is there and find ways to reword existing legislation to make better sense. Our leaders think that the more bills they write, sponsor, and pass the better they are.

History will reveal, someday that some of our most boring Presidents, who seemed to do nothing, were some of our best.

Keep up the fight. The best we can do is talk to others about it. Spread the word. Be someone to follow who doesn't lead the way.


Jan 20, 2009 04:58 AM