I recently attended a local seminar about networking through blogging. The main thread among those of us who haven't blogged regularly was "what do we write about?" According to the pros, anything goes. Ironic isn't it? In this day and age that now we have all the capabilities of the Internet and we 'socialize out here in cyberspace" more than we do in person. It's a virtual world out here. I think it's wonderful because you can keep in touch with friends from all over the world without the expensive phone bill and meet new people without the travel hassles. Emails fly back and forth like passing notes in High School. Short to the point conversations setting up meetings, arranging showings or planning a time to meet for drinks. The occasional note includes a good chuckle as well. Along the way we've developed an entire new language - designed just for texting, emails and the Internet as a whole. An Internet dictionary if you will. It's almost like learning a second language if you think about it. Although I do think learning Internet slang has been easier than my attempts at learning Spanish. I imagine it's just as tough for someone else learning English.
Then there's the matter of who will proof your blog and spell check it. Thank goodness that with all this software they also thought of ways to help us check for typo's and all the misspellings that can happen in the world of typing. There are those that can make their fingers fly so fast over a keyboard, it simply amazes me. I'm NOT one of those people.
Well as I first started this blog I wondered what I was going to say and now as I look back I realize I have managed to spit out only three paragraphs. But then again, the pros said to keep it short and simple too :) Time to spell check and let the critiquing begin. Be kind. I'm still learning how to try not to blow up Active Rains' website as I learn all that it has to offer.
I will close with this wish - stay warm if you live in the frigid midwest as I do and if you live someplace warm - please send more sunshine our way! Thanks