
Due Diligence for Choosing Your Quality Online Real Estate Education?

Real Estate Agent with Better Homes & Gardens MetroBrokers

A simple question for you.  Do you really take time to review and understand where you are spending your money and time to satisfy your required  and elective professional education? And, if you are choosing online courses do you look beyond the cheapest priced courses.

Economic factors as a result of the downturn in the industry are forcing more and more in-class schools to close their doors and/or seek alternative sources of revenue to stay afloat. This has resulted in a rapid growth of Distance Learning in the Real Estate and Appraisal Professions. Particularly for Prelicense and Continuing Education.

But, in the rapid movement to distance learning by many traditional real estate schools and Boards of Realtors, many have left due diligence at the door.  Getting something up fast without consideration to the quality of the offering and the quality of the delivery platform, particularly for Prelicensing Education is unfortunately the norm rather than the exception.  Both the regulators and secondary providers (the schools) seem to feel that all distance learning from the primary national developers is the same and in fact not very good as compared to a live classroom presentation.  Unfortunately, too many feel they have no choice but to approve and sell everything that is available. Most believe they don't have enough time, staff, or expertise to really review quality.  I've also heard way too many agents and appraisers use the same excuses.

Reviewing for quality is a relatively simple process. The objectives of Quality Online Real Esate Education (for that matter all education) are:

  • Have a student complete a legitimate educational process
  • in which they learn something
  • and you document the process.

The Acid Test  for any legitimate online course of instruction(minimum requirements)

- Can you complete the course requirements without learning something?

- Can you complete the course in significantly fewer hours than rated?

Tomorrow's real estate professional has to focus on expanding their professional knowledge and increasingly will turn to distance learning for the convenience and availability.  The educational quality of the delivery system will matter as much as the subject matter and content. No longer can you afford to throw away 12, 14, 22.5, or 24hrs taking CE courses without regard to retention and expansion of your professional knowledge.  More and More real estate professionals are demanding an "outcome' to their education experience.

For the education providers and the real esate professionals "Good Education is Good Business".  Therefore, due diligence by the providers and students pryor to choosing that online provider will in the long run help sustain and grow their businesses.


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Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!

Hi Bud~

I'm not a RE agent but with all the "online" learning I also question, "many have left due diligence at the door." As I look at all the online courses being offered to our youth (I have college age children) I often wonder what ever happened to one on one teaching and the ability of a face to face discussion to give personal examples and expertise that an educator has gained in their field. I do believe that those who apply themselves to the study because they want to learn, will. Those that are just going through the motions will reflect that in their professional work.

You have definitely written about something "here and now!"

Jan 19, 2009 11:21 AM
Bud Hunsucker
Better Homes & Gardens MetroBrokers - Atlanta, GA
Bud Hunsucker


Thanks for the comment.  Although my company does exclusively distance learning, I share you comments.  Unfortunately, today economic environment does not support in-class education as it did in the past.  Particularly in the Real Estate Professions.  Gaining knowledge today requires alternative forms of communications.  The mere fact that you are on Active Rain speaks to your desire to inform and be kept informed in areas that are of interest to you.

In addition, sadly, quality in-class instruction is increasingly hard to find on a recurring basis.  Whether in the Public or Private sector of education.

Online education is here to stay.  So, we need to pay attention to the quality of the content and delivery platform just as we have tried to do with inclass education for the last 50 years.


Jan 19, 2009 11:43 PM
Mary McGraw
GLREA - Rockford, MI
2015: Solar Energy Is Still A Simple Machine!

Great insight Bud!

Jan 20, 2009 07:07 AM
Marchel Peterson
Results Realty - Spring, TX
Spring TX Real Estate E-Pro

Bud, I hear you about the online education but so far I am not impressed.  My husband got his license to help me. Since he can go under my brokerage it does not cost us much but I was amazed at how easy they have made it.  It was no big deal for him as I'm a broker and like I said it is to help me.  I cringe to think there are agents coming out using this approach though.  I think for a new agent it is good to actually sit in a classroom and get other input.

Mar 09, 2009 03:50 PM
Bud Hunsucker
Better Homes & Gardens MetroBrokers - Atlanta, GA
Bud Hunsucker

Sad but true comments Marchel.  And Texas has made it so easy to get a license by disguising the process in the largest hour requirement in the US.  The correspondence courses allowed have brought the education to the point of almost meaningless.  When the student is not challenged to learn whether in class or online no reall education takes place.

As for sitting in a classroom, your assumption is that the instructor uses sound teaching principles.  Which unfortunately is not always the case.



Mar 15, 2009 11:37 AM