It's a rainy day in Georgia, or at least in my part of it. After a low of 18 degrees Thursday night, this rainy day is comparatively warm. Great day for staying in and writing a blog entry. Yours truly listed a property in Sumter County last week. It's a nice country place. House with three bedrooms and two baths on 5.69 acres with a red barn. Located at 582 Ga.Hwy.49 S, which is southwest of Americus. $75,000. Monday is the official Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, and the next day we swear in our new president, the nation's first African-American. In my lifetime we have seen men land on the moon, and now this monumental event in our nation's history. Americans can now choose to mope around and talk about how bad the economy is, or adopt a positive attitude and resolve to forge ahead as a great people. Someone once said, "Ninety percent of success is having a positive attitude." Currently, I'm involved in my first "short sale." It's a situation in which a property is being sold for less than the borrower owes on it. I'm the listing agent, so I'm doing my best to make sure my client is protected to the extent possible. To be candid with you, I have been a bit apprehensive about being paid my commission. Likewise, the selling agent wants to be sure he is covered. My conversations with the lender's representative have been reassuring, and the preliminary closing document shows the commission. We Realtors work for nothing right up until the moment of closing. I would hate for that time to come, and have to leave empty handed. There are many hoops to jump through between here and there, and it would be nice to be compensated. Seriously, I'm not worried about it, but this is a first-time experience for both me and the selling agent. At the moment, I must get ready to run an errand, so will sign off and post this soon. Happy New Year everyone! And let's do what we can to make it a prosperous one.