
Lost Connections

Real Estate Agent with The Residential Group

Loreena Yeo published a blog pertaining to connecting via the telephone.While I agree with everything she had to say, her blog came at an awful time for me. I LOST my Blackberry.

Perhaps that statement was LOST on some of you. MY BLACKBERRY is gone!

Now I know why my husband hates it so. I am totally lost without it and I have been going through withdrawal from my "Crackberry" for the last two days. I had an idea how important it was, but I wasn't aware of how much I depended on it.

It's just a phone some may say, but I say not so. I monitored three e-mail accounts, entered all my son's and my appointments, and had numerous, difficult to recover phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. My provider does not provide back-up contacts so they are gone forever.

I am now faced with recovering those contacts, while going through withdrawal. I will have to travel to a couple of different states to recover some of them. Anybody up for a road trip?

Loreena and Michael Yeo
3:16 team REALTY ~ Locally-owned Prosper TX Real Estate Co. - Prosper, TX
Real Estate Agents

Thanks for the mention, Lisa. Google Alerts took me here. I know what you mean about feeling lost. I dont leave my house without it. It's kinda like part of my outfit.

Jan 19, 2009 12:42 PM
Clark Cook
1st Choice Realty of Fayetteville, LLC - Fayetteville, NC
Marketing Homes For Sale In Fayetteville NC Area

Lisa, hope you had insurance. If you use MS Outlook or Express, you should be able to recover most of contacts. When you get your replacement Blackberry, be sure to upload your contacts from your email client and back up regularly on your PC.

Feb 01, 2009 12:23 AM