
Saved from foreclosure

Real Estate Sales Representative with ERA Belsito & Associates

I had a very good experience this week that I wanted to share. A home owner was referred to me because she was in trouble and facing foreclosure. The worst part was that she had over $30,000 in equity that she was going to lose. She had procrastinated because she was in denial.

 I was able to list her house for her, at a price that would insure a quick sale but still retain most of her equity. I found a buyer, 2 days before the scheduled Auction date. Spoke with the attorneys and I was able to get the Auction postponed! It was a very good feeling to be able to help this woman. She has fallen on really tough times and the thought of losing all of that equity would have just been terrible.

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Steve Zarry
House Buying Now - Austin, TX
Austin Central Texas, Real Estate

Good work! It shows how an exerienced agent can help out a homeowener in a bad situation. The key is for homeowners to ask for help early in the pre-forclosure process. It looks like you just caught this one in time!

Jan 19, 2009 12:40 PM
Jenn Neumann Deer
RE/MAX Southern Shores - Surfside Beach, SC
Surfside Beach Real Estate

Congratulations for both you and the seller!  It is difficult to see all the foreclosures come on the market and realize in most cases a family is struggling and losing their home is just an added stress to their lives in an already difficult time. 

Jan 19, 2009 01:18 PM
Kari Battaglia
Veterans Realty Inc - Venice, FL
Who You Work With Matters!

What satisfaction.  Helping people is what our job is all about and when we can pull them out of foreclosure it has to be extremely satisfying to help someone so much.  You know they are going to remember you for the rest of their lives!

Jan 19, 2009 01:35 PM
Ilyce Glink
Think Glink Media - Chicago, IL
Best-selling author, award-winning TV/radio host.

Brenda- Finally, a feel-good story about foreclosures! (or avoiding them) Congratulations on helping someone who really needed it.

Jan 19, 2009 02:13 PM
Lisa Friedman
Alliance Realtors - Bedminster, NJ
Central New Jersey Real Estate

Brenda, Congratulations on a job well done - Good For You!  Its nice to hear a happy story for once!

Jan 20, 2009 12:41 AM
Kathleen Ann Pacheco-Corbett
(FIRST Exclusive Buyer's Office Providence-RI) - Providence, RI
Realtor, RI-MA, CEBA, Master, e-Pro, ABR, ABRM, GR

Brenda, I found you. It is a pleasure getting to know you and Dan. This is a great story. It does make you feel great knowing you have helped someone in need,

Nov 28, 2010 06:40 PM