Anyone considering buying a home now or in the future needs to read this little 24 page handbook. I am offering it for free just for the asking. It's called "How To Buy A Home In Today's Market".
Buying a home raises a lot of questions. Through my experience I've found some basic questions turn up again and again. I keep a few dozen of these booklets on hand because it provides answers to those questions in an easy to understand fashion.
Call me (509.771.9099) or drop me an email ( and I'll mail one to you.
Here's a little more about the handbook to help you decide if it's right for you. The booklet is grouped into three parts: Getting Started, House Hunting, and Buying.
Under those headings you'll find answers to these questions and more:
Where do I start? What are some of the tax advantages to owning a home? Is it true my paycheck will get bigger when I buy a home? What steps are involved in house hunting? How do I evaluate a resale home vs. new construction? How do I make and offer on a home and negotiate with the seller? What will the lender ask for when I apply for a loan?
I really like this handbook because it makes it easy to understand a complex subject. Let me know if you'd like me to send you one.
Provided by:
Debra Gravelle
Moses Lake Realty Group
537 W. Broadway
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Certified Negotiation Expert