
Today...we found a Space Ship! BPO of the Week!

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    Hi Everyone!  It has been a little busy over the Holidays, but I am back to the blog grind. 

Today, we found....A SPACE SHIP!!!

So of course, I made my sister HOP on it first thing!

This is a new listing in Lexington, NC and we went to do the initial BPO and put a sign in the yard.  The house was a mess, and I found TWO separate piles of HAIR!  Yes, I said HAIR!  One pile looked like the variety from your head...and the other looks like something you NEVER want to find in your food.  If you still don't know what I mean, go watch the movie "waiting".

I have found poo, clothes, wooden legs, perfectly preserved rooms from 3 decades ago, but NEVER before have I had the priviledge of a SPACESHIP!

This was a first and I wanted to share it with all my friends.


Tracey G. Shrouder