Trying to get information out there on Mike Ferry... check out the FSBO blog...
I just went to Mike Ferry's management retreat in Washington DC... Great Stuff.
Well I follow Mike Ferry, and I always have.. I feel his system works it always has I too would like to see more talk and more people who do follow the system post as well
I just joined this group & ActiveRain. I too thought this could/would be a place we could brainstorm & share ideas. I rejoined Mike's coaching program last Oct.
My issue right now is mindset, I think. I just can't seem to get back in the mood to prospect. Anyone ever have this issue? How do you overcome it?
I'm like you Lesa. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a magic elixar that i could take in the morning and 30 minutes later be so full of motivation to pick up that phone and begin prospecting. Anyone have any idea where I can find that magic?
You have to dig deep. One of my favorite things that Mike says is "How badly do you want it & what price are you willing to pay to get it"?
We all know that successful people are successful because they are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.
Happy prospecting!
If anybody is interested I am searching for new role/practice partners.
Shoot me an email.
Liz, thanks for your post. I agree with you, most MFO agents don't have time to spend a lot of time on the computer.
Your blog about the Top 10 things you've learned through coaching with Mike Ferry was very helpful to me. I can see, by the length of time you've been involved, you're very committed to the MFO system. I'm a 1-on-1 client as well & this is the time of year where I tend to question if I should continue in 1-on-1, luckily, I signed a new contract in Oct. so I wouldn't give myself an out.
Your post helped confirm why I continue, so THANK YOU. I look foward to hopefully meeting you @ the 1-on-1 Retreat in Jan. 2008.