
Hu'mm, It's Season?

Real Estate Agent with Marathon Key Real Estate Inc

Let's Think About This...

We really need to think about this...

I have been remiss about posting on this forum.  For that I am sorry. 

In the KEYS we are now hitting the high point of our seasonal market.

Guess what?   Many homes are STILL priced sky high.  People still feel that the market will bear high prices for homes that experienced drastic price increases in 2004 thru 2006.  That is not the case at the beginning of 2009.  Prices have come down.  Maybe not as much as some other areas in the State of Florida but still they have come down.

I still see the hop-la projected by others and I for one do not care to set false standards. 

Don't get me wrong, there are some very very good deals to be had in our little town.  You just need to get past the hype.  You need to bypass the 'bull' and do your homework. 

My personal home has dropped in value by 35% over the past two years.  Why are  similiar home now on the market with that 35% still in place?    Good question...

I firmly believe that with the market conditions we have today if you price your home smartly, IT WILL SELL.   Both the sellers and the buyers will walk away from the closing table HAPPY. 

That is my goal for 2009


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Teri Eckholm
Boardman Realty - White Bear Lake, MN
REALTOR Serving Mpls/St Paul North & East Metro

Ric--Sounds like you have a good 2009 plan...When both buyers and sellers walk away happy, we know that we did our jobs!

Jan 23, 2009 03:00 AM