I am currently working with an Atlanta Buyer that want to find a deal in a bank Real Estate Owned (REO) property. Having worked with a bank handling their listings and on the buyers side handling many transactions it is an education process to keep my Buyer from being over anxious.
We are in the middle of what is typical for negotiations with a bank. They take all the human element out of the negotiations and make up hurry up and wait, then expect miracles to happen to the timeline. In the end they put offers on and off the tabel so many times it is a full time job keeping trak of wher you are in the negotiation.
Being a specialist in working REOs has brought me additional Buyers thru the referals I get from the happy clients. I have worked every thing from a 3/2 for $15,000 to a 4/4 listed for $1.2 million. No job too small or too large.