The answer is a handwritten note. A handwritten note is a great way to differentiate yourself from the competition because so few people bother to follow up at all, let alone follow up in ways that will impress your leads, clients or people on your sphere list; it is a real relationship builder because it says that you have taken the time to recognize them as an individual. Besides being a great way to get prospective new clients, handwritten notes are also a great way to thank people for their patronage or support.
Most people think that writing notes by hand requires extra time and effort. Ironically, it can be quick and painless. The note doesn't have to be long; it can be as simple as "Just a note to wish you a Happy Day!" or "I just wanted to thank you for..." Keep your message brief!
Use any occasion to get noticed with a handwritten note such as:
You receive a friendly response when door-knocking
You attend a seminar or business meeting
You have received a gift
You meet an old friend you haven't seen in a long time
You received a business favor or referral
You are replying to an invitation
You are sending condolences
You want to offer congratulations
You need to apologize
Here are starters you can use to send to your sphere or clients:
1. I drove by your house today and.....
2. We haven't talked for a while, so I thought I'd say hello....
3. Thank you for taking time out to visit with me this week when....
4. Just a note to wish you a Happy Birthday
5. Thank you for a great service!
Guild Mortgage Co - Oak Harbor WA - Oak Harbor, WA
Oak Harbor/Whidbeynulls, #1 Experienced FHA Mortgage Consultant
Excellent information Wika. It is so easy to forget the proceedures that used to work and work again. Thanks.
Jan 26, 2009 03:44 AM