I have officially put out a Missing Person Report for Josh Plummer.
The race has fueled my fire for weeks now. I’ve looked to JP to keep me going.
Where has he gone?
I’ve cut my posts back to a minimum of one a day. I’ve held off inviting the people Maureen has missed. I’m trying to keep this interesting… I know the eyes of the AR world have been on this. Is it over?? Is that all you guys have??
I fear that in another day or so, I may need to officially publish my victory speech. If that is indeed the case, I may finally get to serve the 30 lbs of shrimp I own. The champagne is chilled. The canapés are ready to be passed. I’ve cleared the furniture in the living room so Caleb can dance. We’re ready at the Lipnitz estate to have a party!
Those of you in possession of Team Lipnitz or Team Plummer T-Shirts, keep them. The values are going to skyrocket, as these babies become collector items.
For those of you wondering, what will come next for Sara Lipnitz? Don’t worry… I may go for number 2. However, NUMBER ONE will always belong to my pal Maureen.
However, I think some of you (in Florida Scott & William) would love to see two girls duke it out!