
In which I share my organizing skills with you...

Real Estate Agent

Its true.

I really am one of the most organized people you will ever run across. I actually like organizing, colour coding things and streamlining systems. Its not even a control thing, I swear! Its a convenience thing. The time I see people waste looking for things... my goodness, create a spot for it, put it in that spot... simple right?

Apparently not as I have observed.

Its not that people are lazy, un-intelligent or simply don't care about organizing their homes. I really think that it is that they don't know where to start. I am going to share with you some simple things that you can do to get started. This will cost little to no money. This is about keeping your life streamlined, clutter free and focused on making YOU more productive. It doesn't have to be pretty, although that is an option if you are so inclined, it just has to WORK.

Ever heard this?: A place for everything and everything in its place. Sigh... genius words!! But if you don't know where to put things... then they pile up. Stuff needs a HOME. If you have a complete lack of a filing system, its not wonder papers pile up! So this is what you need to do. Pick a "problem area" that you want to focus on. Lets say the computer area or home office. This might be a big project to start but don't fret!

Look at the piles of stuff laying around.
What comprises these piles?
Lets say its: bills, bank statements, receipts, greeting cards, paper clips, pens, photos, craft supplies... etc.

Remember that the reason you have a random pile of things is that they don't have a home, not that you are messy. So categorize the items in the piles. Paper is one pile, office supplies (pens, clips, printer ink, usb cords, etc) is another, craft supplies would be one, and there may even be misc things that don't go in a home office (laundry, shoes, toys). So do you see what I mean? It depends on the stuff you have so create your own categories if you don't like these.

We deal with "Paper" first.
F = File it
A = Act on it
T = toss it

Each piece of paper MUST fit into F, A, or T. Be ruthless!!

Buy a filing cabinet or small filing system, label each folder according to what you need to put in it. For example I have one for bank statements and credit card statements. One is for Insurance (any and all kinds), one for Warranties, etc. Once you have done this file all the paper in the "F" category into its proper category. Now put this away, either in the filing cabinet or on shelves designated for this use. If you are using shelves try to use ones close to the main desk so you will actually USE the filing system you created.

The "A" category requires that you keep this "in sight, in mind". Its where currently due bills would go, or other time sensitive items, papers, etc. Those handy mini stacking shelves made of metal or plastic do the trick!! Keep them on top of the desk for easy access. Then once a bill is paid, FILE IT away.

Toss it is easy, recycle away!!

Now the office supplies.
If you use it often, keep it near you, if you use it seldom, keep it away yet accessible, if you never use it, WHY do you keep it?

My system is good so I will share what I do: I have one large yet somewhat shallow desk drawer. I pile everyday things according to type: notebooks with notebooks, clips with clips, pens with pens, etc. You can use drawer dividers to help keep things separate. If you want you can use a basket, old coffee mug or plant holder for holding pens on top of the desk if you like too.

My seldom used items are things like markers, extra printer ink, extra usb cords. I have a box for each of these things, they stack neatly together in my office cupboard. A great tip is using old shoe boxes or go to the dollar store, they have great stuff there! Always remember to keep things together though, like me and my cords, my usb cords, camera cord and charger, I Pod cord... all those go together so I know if I am looking for a cord of any kind, it is most likely there.

And Crafts? Scrapbooking supplies?

Easy. Again, buy a shoebox, photo box, whatever. Label what is in there and place neatly on a shelf. You will be extra motivated to work on these projects because the items are sorted and right there! How you choose to sort your art supplies is your choice of course, I would settle for you just keeping art supplies with all other art supplies in one place.

But if you want to get creative, use see through plastic containers for small items (ribbons, stamps, stickers). You can place these smaller containers within a larger box if you like or just on the shelf. If you decide to place on a shelf, label the shelf "Scrapbooking Supplies" in red ink, then label each small container or box in red ink. Then you know in a pinch where stuff goes, as does the rest of the family. Do gift wrapping supplies in blue ink, kids art stuff in green... etc.

Rogue Items!!

Now that all the important stuff is filed away, colour coded and boxed appropriately we have random items that don't go in the office.

Get an empty laundry basket and fill it up with the stuff. Now visit each room of your home and take out everything from the basket that belongs in that room and put it away. Do not simply place it in the room, put it away. Do this until the basket is empty. Done!

Actually the laundry basket things works for all rooms, I do this on a regular basis. It allows me to carry lots of things at once. As I visit each room and put away items that belong there, I can pick up things that don't and bring them to their rightful spot. The first time you do this it may be time intensive, but that is usually the hardest time.

These tips apply to all areas of the home: If the garage tool area is messy, the kitchen cupboards have no system or the kids play area is a disaster zone... apply my tried and true techniques and let me know how it goes!