
Fairvue Plantation Neighbohood Association announces 2009 activities

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Exit Real Estate Solutions

 The Social Committee of Fairvue / Foxland has organized to give an opportunity to Fairvue neighbors to meet and participate in activities that will enhance your Fairvue Lifestyle.

The Social Committee organizes two events each year for all residents.  These events have been very successful and have enabled people to meet their neighbors while enjoying great fellowship in a fun atmosphere.

2009 Fairvue / Foxland activities include;

  • FAIRVUE IN-HOME DINING CLUB - Dinners will be held every other month beginning in January, on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
  • LADIES MORNING BOOK CLUB BOATING CLUB - Meet discuss and analyze a book chosen for the month.
  • LADIES MORNING BIBLE STUDY - Share in a nondenominational Christian bible study.
  • LADIES EVENING BUNCO - Fun, no skill requiredgame. Join others at a different home each month.
  • PLANTATION KIDS - Newborn to pre-school age stroller walks through Fairvue, playgroup, a seasonal theme party, craft day, great fun!
  • COUPLES EVENING BRIDGE - Couples take turns hosting each month for an evening of bridge.

 For information about these activities or for the Social Committee contact information call 615-451-0909.


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Kevin Sandridge
Signature Home Funding - Winter Haven, FL
Winter Haven Mortgage Broker


Hey Royce, and Welcome to the Rain!

Kevin Sandridge, here.

I joined the Active Rain community not too long ago myself and wanted to drop a line to share some of the good vibes and welcome wishes I have received already. 

If you haven't signed on with, please do!  I'd be honored to have you as a follower there!  Click on the big Twitter logo to visit my page!

A Bit About Active Rain

I'm very excited about this community - basically because folks seem so willing to help out, provide industry insight, and share their good news and experiences!

When I started out on Active Rain, I felt a little overwhelmed.  I hope the following points and suggested sites will help bring you into the mix!  Just my way of saying that I'm glad you're here.


One:  Be sure to include a good amount of information on your profile page.  Check out the profiles on other Realtor's sites here on Active Rain who are listed as "Featured" or "Tops" in their area (look for high point totals).  You'll find that this will seriously boost your presence on ActiveRain - via the added points. 

Two: I urge you to keep blogging on this site!  You will be AMAZED at the awesome feedback you receive very soon after they hit the network!  I use Google Reader to subscribe to blogs that provide me with ideas about what I'd like to comment on - both industry wise and just for fun!  Check it out I am more than willing to step you through the site and to help you get a few more blog posts generated if you wish - as a way of adding some value and paying forward some good networking vibes!  :)

Three: Be sure to add in a good number of posts about what you think and consider pertinent regarding your area of expertise!  You'll notice that many if not all of the Featured posting bloggers here on AR do this.

Lastly, I do quite a lot of work via social networks, email campaigns, and relationship building.  If I can ever be of any assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

Here are a few great sites to visit (some of my favorites).  If you like the information they provide, be sure to let them know I sent you!

Looking forward to what you'll share with us here on Active Rain!  :)


Kevin Sandridge
Winter Haven, FL

Jan 26, 2009 05:56 AM
Sandy Childs
Keller Williams Realty - Spartanburg, SC
Realtor - Spartanburg, SC

Congratulations on joining Active Rain. This is a great professional networking and referral site. Our Team is working here in the Spartanburg / Greenville areas of South Carolina. We would be thrilled for any referrals you might send our way - or any referrals that we could send to you. Hope you enjoy this site as much as I do.

Jan 26, 2009 04:14 PM
Dan Magstadt
Paramount Residential Mortgage Group, Inc - Lake City, FL

Congrats on your first post - Welcome to ActiveRain!!


Jan 27, 2009 06:57 AM
Morris Childs
PEP source - Spartanburg, SC

Welcome to Active Rain. It just gets easier after your first blog. Just write about what interests you. Give us a call or an email if we can be of service to you! We can fix most anything, our rates are reasonable and we show up when promised.

Jan 27, 2009 08:18 AM
Anna Ryan
Keller Williams Realty - Simpsonville, SC

Hello and welcome to AR.  Jump in and get your feet wet!


Jan 27, 2009 12:50 PM
Jean Terry
Keller Williams Realty Spartanburg, S.C. - Spartanburg, SC

Hi and welcome to Active Rain, a great site to network, share, learn, and have fun. Good Luck. And remember, if you need an agent in the upstate of South Carolina, please give me a call.

Jan 27, 2009 01:52 PM
Vicente A. Martinez
Prudential Douglas Elliman Licensed Real Estate Salesperson - Woodhaven, NY
Realtor, Brooklyn - Long Island - Queens Homes

Hi and welcome to active|rain.

There are thousands of tips, tools, and tricks of the trade here. Be sure to check them out. Best of luck and see you around.

Friend me on Facebook 

Follow me on Twitter

Jan 27, 2009 11:21 PM
Charlottesville Solutions - Charlottesville, VA

I see that you are new to Active Rain and I just wanted to welcome you. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do and that you find it a great resource.

Jan 28, 2009 10:41 PM