"Great 3 bedroom, 1 bath bungalow home for sale. Great for first time buyers."
Are you sold? Or, maybe you're yawning? I noticed in real estate that a lot of people do not take advantage of the free advertising space in the MLS write-up. It doesn't have to be perfect, but still take the time to write something with a little creativity.
In my previous profession I worked in public relations where I did some writing. Of course in PR you usually avoid what we called fillers or flowery language. I must admit it is still changeling for me to use so many marketing terms in my writing, but that's what we're doing - marketing.
Here is what I try to do when I prepare my write-up:
1. Have a good look at the home. What do you like, what are its best selling features?
2. Ask the home owner what they like most about the home.
3. Grab a piece of paper, a pen and find somewhere quiet.
4. Make a list of the homes best features (key words).
5. Pick a theme for your write-up
Once you made your list sit down and write out the house's story. The theme can be focused on particular buyers (sport lovers, computer geeks etc.) or a feature, (convenience, ocean paradise etc.) Use your key words to describe the home. Give a written tour of the home. Please don't write a book, but write a nice paragraph or two about the home and its unique selling features.
Not only will your sellers appreiate it, but it will also make your property listing stand-out.