
New Real Estate Realities

Real Estate Agent with Century 21 American Homes

 In 2008, one Newsday reporter repeatedly took delight in intrepreting "the facts" in the most damaging,pessimistic tone for all Long Island homebuyers, sellers and realtors. I repeatedly wrote her, the editor, and the publisher with no satisfaction. I was banned from all Newsday email because of my strong opinions and dissatisfaction.

Here it is 2009, after laying low for awhile, she has to remind the public about median average sales price drops for the month of December. Dah.. isn't this old news already! If the median sales price was down for all other months in comparing 2007 to 2008, it makes logical sense that December would be down as well. 

The new real estate reality is, it does't matter! 

I have experienced first hand, increased buyer traffic in December and now have 3 homes in contract.( Not one of them is a foreclosure or short sale.) I believe this is due to the lower interest rates and the First time buyer tax credit incentive.  

The new real estate reality is, we are in the process of correcting the wrongs of the past. Yes,there are still more adjustable rate mortgages, foreclosures and short sales but solutions are available to all homeowners at and . It may be too late for some but not for all.

The new reality is, buyers are out there and they are buying.  They are adjusting to the market and homeowners who refuse "to give their homes away."They are beginning to realize not all homes are half-priced and that the window of opportunity will not last forever. They have experienced the frustration of of overbidding and multiple bidding on short sales and the transaction taking well over 6 months.

The new reality is homeowners need realtors, now more than ever.  They are angry, frustrated, and need guidance. They are afraid of what the future might bring.  It is up to realtors to help them find solutions.

It is a great new year, with new opportunities. It is a great new year to discover own new real estate realities.


Barbara Klepper
Licensed Sales Associate

Century 21 American Homes- Babylon









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Don Sabinske
Don Sabinske, Sabinske & Associates Inc. - Zimmerman, MN
Sabinske & Associates Inc.

Agreed.  Buyers are out there.  They need guidance through the bank-owned property acquisition.  Some think they can deal with the banks themselves.  So wrong.  Homeowners need to be aware of the market.  Some indexes have been created that do not take the foreclosures or shorts into account.  They paint a rosier picture than reality would. 

Jan 27, 2009 12:30 AM
Mike Klijanowicz
Cummings & Co. Realtors - Perry Hall, MD
Associate Broker @ Cummings & Co. Realtors

You are darn right!  Maybe the news will read this and start reporting what is REALLY GOING ON!!!!

Jan 27, 2009 12:31 AM
Fred Chamberlin
Guild Mortgage Co - Oak Harbor WA - Oak Harbor, WA
Oak Harbor/Whidbeynulls, #1 Experienced FHA Mortgage Consultant

Banned by Newsday, congratulations. Business is expanding in the Real Estate industry and the only reason it is going faster is because of the doom and gloom from the media. Keep shouting.

Jan 27, 2009 03:48 AM
Everard Korthals
---Preferred Lifestyle Advisors--- - Lancaster, PA
Mountain Realty


Welcome!  If ever you were to have any questions then feel free to contact us and we'll try to help. Please take a look at our blog. for links to valuable information in our sidebar that you can use to navigate this extensive network.  

We hope you have a great day, All The Best- 

Sincerely, ( Active Castellum ( Castellum Realty llc - Lancaster PA Real Estate )

Jan 27, 2009 04:36 AM
David Painter
Keller Williams Realty - Spartanburg, SC

Good to have you on Active Rain.  This is a good site for gathering information and interesting to see what others are blogging about. Contact us if we can be of service to you. We would be happy to send you a referral or to take good care of any referral you would send to us.

Jan 27, 2009 08:07 AM
Anna Ryan
Keller Williams Realty - Simpsonville, SC

Hello and welcome to AR.  Jump in and get your feet wet!


Jan 27, 2009 12:57 PM
Sasha Miletic - Windsor Real Estate
RE/MAX Preferred Realty Ltd. - Windsor, ON


Hi Barbara, Welcome to AR, Be a Blogholic and start writing your own blog soon on AR. All the best for your RE business. This is the right place for customers, friends, realtionships etc.

Best - Sash


Jan 28, 2009 12:00 AM