
Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Firefox - The Mythunderstanding

Education & Training with Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp Non-Licensed

If you're in a hurry, just read the bold text, if you got a second, read this entire post.

No I don't have a lisp and I can spell! It IS a misunderstanding.  These two Internet Browsers are some of the most popular, most used Internet Super-Highway viewers in the world.  I'm not sure the exact number of users, but I can tell you that Google Analytics states this very clearly in their statistical reports.  Too many people do not understand that you can install, run and use both simultaneously.

Internet Explorer seems to have many issues on many sites, as do all the Internet browsers available.  That includes Google Chrome and Flock too.  Each browser has it's own unique settings that allows you to customize it to your liking.  There are a lot of REALTORS® in this Industry that have to use on-line MLS systems that will only work with IE.  They think they can't have Firefox too, or any other browsers.  WRONG!

I'm breaking this "Myth" today!

Saying that you can't have or use both browsers is like saying you can't own a Jaguar and a Rolls Royce.  The difference is that you can't drive a Rolls Royce and a Jaguar at the same time.  With Internet Explorer and Firefox, YOU CAN!  Remember that ALL Internet users have different browsers and use them differently.  Make sure if you are providing content via your Websites and Blogs, that your content looks good in both browsers.

A common issue with these browsers is that one will work better than the other on certain sites.  I have personally found that Mozilla Firefox is more forgiving, faster, and stable than Internet Explorer on most the sites I frequently visit.  This includes ActiveRain.  I also like many of the plug-ins that are available for Firefox, and it works great on my MAC.   My suggestion to you is have and use both.

A great number of people are ONLY using Internet Explorer and in many, if not most cases, are missing out on what FireFox and other browsers have to offer.  My Internet Explorer is running right now while I'm posting this article using Firefox.  They can both be open and running simultaneously.  Each is only a click away.  If you were to see this post in either or both browsers, I think you'll agree that:  1) the myth is broken  2) you should always check your work and content in both browsers.

(I hope this one looks OK in both)

                    Download Newest Version of FireFox          Download Newest Version Internet Explorer       

and then use them both...


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Esko Kiuru
Bethesda, MD


That's good news. Glad to learn that one can use IE and Mozilla together and they won't interfere with one another, as is the general belief.

Jan 29, 2009 10:21 AM
Kent Simpson
Realty One Group Mountain Desert - Tucson, AZ
Real Estate Is About People

Maybe I'm overdoing it, but have IE, Firefox & Chrome on my laptop--& use them for different sites.  Only reason I keep IE is because of our MLS, otherwise I'd be sorely tempted to get rid of it!

Jan 29, 2009 02:29 PM
Mary "B" Battaglia
Coldwell Banker United (referrals welcome!) - Austin, TX
GRI, CRS - Austin Real Estate - Austin Texas Real Estate agent

Safari would have to slow down by 30% in order to fit in!

Mary B

Jan 29, 2009 02:52 PM
Marjorie Taylor
Florida Homes Realty and Mortgage - Saint Augustine, FL
New Homes in St. Augustine Florida

Dave with Listing Solutions just turned me on to Mozilla Firefox.  FF is great to use when working on my website and view my work in IE.

Jan 29, 2009 09:51 PM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Hi Brad!  I have to use IE for our MLS and a few other programs that I have but, I MUCH prefer Firefox--it's much quicker.  I also tried to install the scribeFire and cannot figure out how to 'use' it once installed--not quite sure that I even GOT it installed!

Still working on it!

Jan 30, 2009 01:18 PM
Justin Williams
Independent - Virginia Beach, VA
Loan Officer

Hey Bray!  Am I wrong for using 3 browsers at the same time?  I use Chrome, IE, & FF.  I have all 3 open because each browser has its own cookies and history, I can view 3 different Gmail accounts at the same time.  Also, Alot of the browsers each has its strengths and weaknesses and I tend to use each browser for its specific purpose for example Chrome on videos/streams/surfin, FF Blogs, commenting and IE for mainstream sites like the gov and real estate sites, eh I am just babbling now but I thought I was the only insane person who uses more than 1 browser :D

Jan 30, 2009 05:11 PM
Bruce & Mary Smith
Savannah Lakes Homes - McCormick, SC
REALTORS, Savannah Lakes Village McCormick SC

Brad - I have to use IE for our MLS, too and use Chrome for other sites.  I'm glad to know that Firefow will work side by side.  Thanks!  I'm ready to speed things up a little!

Jan 30, 2009 10:06 PM
Johnathan Mullaney
Village Land Shoppe - Flagstaff, AZ
Broker, Flagstaff Real Estate

My mls only works on IE, so I have to have it. I have designed over 30 websites over the years and firefox does display certain things different.


Jan 31, 2009 09:00 AM
Diane Aurit
LKN Realty, LLC - Mooresville, NC
Lake Norman Real Estate

Brad, I'm so glad marti featured this.  I have never tried FireFox because I was frankly afraid that I might mess up my computer in some way.  I am going to come back and learn as much as I can from this post and then try it out!

Jan 31, 2009 09:27 AM

Ill try it

Jan 31, 2009 03:05 PM
Alyse "Aly" Sands
AGORA Realty - Nashville, TN
It's Good To Be Home

I know you mentioned plug-ins but I wanted to specifically mention that FF has (more than one) IE plug-in! For a site that must be used with IE, while on FF it's one click for that tab to open as IE.

Feb 02, 2009 09:38 AM
Barbara S. Duncan
RE/MAX Advantage - Searcy, AR
GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR

This post answered a lot of my questions.  I think I'll try them both.

Feb 03, 2009 03:53 AM

link to download worked great.

Look forward to trying FOXFIRE. THANKS Brad

Feb 03, 2009 09:35 AM
Chris Penner
Serving Abbotsford, Chilliwack, and the Fraser Valley - Abbotsford, BC
Real Estate Consultant - Keller Williams Valley Realty

I have been using FF and Chrome from a week or so. FF is awesome with top producer compared to IE. I really only use IE now for MLXchange (canadian MLS system). Chrome is awsome as it obviously interfaces with goole, gmail, and any other good apps you might run.


Feb 04, 2009 11:09 AM
Jason Rose
123 ConEd LLC -- Michigan real estate continuing education - Farmington Hills, MI

I've heard that myth before and never understood it.  I've been using both IE and FF simultaneously for years.  In fact, I've got multiple windows open in each right now as I'm writing this comment.  I totally agree with your statement that a common issue with these browsers is that one will work better than the other on certain sites.  FF works better for me on certain sites and IE works better on others.

Feb 06, 2009 07:33 AM
Ann Cummings
RE/MAX Shoreline - NH and Maine - Portsmouth, NH
Portsmouth NH Real Estate Preferrable Agent

Hi Brad - it took me awhile to get with the program regarding FireFox - Jay McGillicuddy finally convinced me.  I was concerned it would mess up programs or something, because I just didn't understand it.  Now I use it all the time for most things I do, and usually have IE and FF open at the same time.  I think it's interesting how various sites look on the 2 browsers - and often wonder why there is such a difference at times. 


Feb 12, 2009 09:09 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Ann - it really is incredible the difference between browsers.  I think Google saw that there was much to be desired in browsers and that's why they created Google Chrome.  I have tried Flock as well, and the differences really are quite compelling.  :-)

Feb 13, 2009 07:38 AM
Bob Foster
Century 21 Lanthorn R. E. Ltd. Belleville, Ontario - Belleville, ON

Hi Brad,

Do you know why the new response pics are not appearing in IE for some of us but are fine in Firefox?

Feb 21, 2009 01:00 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Bob - because IE was having some issues, but our tech team is aware of it and addressing it now.  :-)

Feb 23, 2009 02:17 AM
Albert Byrd
Albert Byrd RE Investment Ft Lauderdale, FL Great Condos Inc - Fort Lauderdale, FL

Albert Byrd, Broker, Investor, Partner for RE InvestmentBob, as a avid Firefox fan and user, I'm glad to see you address this issue. Seems odd that many developers, webmasters, et al seem to think only IE is important and ignore how their sites look in Firefox which is often my first experience of them. So glad others keep both browsers up together. I thought I was the only one!

Mar 03, 2009 02:27 AM