Way to go, Mary Adams, realtor's champion, channel 12 news, super star, from Century 21 American Homes Babylon. Thanks for setting the record straight on Tuesday's evening news, about how national homeprice declines of 18% compare to Nassau county of about 3% and Suffolk county of about 6%. Newsday reporters, eat your hearts out!
Barbara, I used to live on Long Island so I enjoyed seeing your post. Upstate we are staying strong because Long Islanders love to buy land or 2nd home for a getaway or retire for lower taxes.
If you have any referrals I would be glad to help them. I cover Otsego-Delaware and Chenango counties upstate by Oneonta and Cooperstown. I am a full time top producer for Century 21 Chesser Realty. Hope to hear from you, and all the best for 2009
Barbara, Do you have a copy of the article or a clip from the news??? Glad to hear that LI is doing well!
Thank you for your inquiry Sara. There is no article. It was an interview broadcasted on our local new channel. If course they had to preface it with how hard people have been hit with the price declines. But hey, Im satisfied after months of enduring newspaper misleading, blaring headlines.