I saw this article over on the Grant County Economic Development Council website.
Hurry- January 30th deadline.
SkyWest operating as United Express is interested in establishing air service with 2 daily flights to and from SeaTac. This will allow travelers to fly from Moses Lake to anywhere in the world that SkyWest, United Airlines, and their code shares, including Star Alliance, fly.
In order to make this a reality we must convey to SkyWest the local support for air service by Jan. 30. This support must come in the form of an Airline Travel Bank commitment.
The Airline Travel Bank is not a donation or a gift to the airline. It is simply businesses purchasing pre-paid credit cards that they can use to either buy airline tickets or to ship cargo on SkyWest/United Express, United Airlines, and flights connecting to United's international code share partners. The purpose of the Airline Travel Bank is to allow the business community to demonstrate to SkyWest Airlines that they are capable of supporting the proposed air service
So far over 57 businesses have showed their support of air service by pledging over $340,000 towards the Airline Travel Bank but the community is still $160,000 short. If by Friday January 30, the Airline Travel Bank is not fully funded at $500,000 it is very likely that air service will not be coming to Moses Lake.
Please download and fill out the Air Service Pledge Form shown below and fax it back to the Grant County EDC at 509-762-5161. If you have any questions, please call the office at 509-764-6579.
Airline Travel Bank Pledge Form