
Who wants to buy this toilet?

Services for Real Estate Pros with HotSpot Property

We've all seen them, and the guilty parties know who they of the toilet (with the seat up, no less)! There are many infamous shots taken by real estate agents -- the crooked house, half a sofa, dirty dishes in the sink, the list is endless.

The question is why is everyone putting up with this stuff?

Buyers are increasingly visual about choosing their listings. Over 4/5 of buyers use the internet to search for properties, and almost 95% of the 25-44 age group use it (NAR 2008 stats). Buyers increasingly rank photographs as the most useful tool in their search. So why the shoddy photography?

Professional photographs do not have to cost an arm and a leg (maybe just some fingers!), and can do wonders for the life of your listing. Like an online dating service, if buyers are not attracted and informed by the pictures they see, they will just move on to a better prospect.

So if your listings are being passed over, take a close look at how your are representing the homes (and yourself, by the way!).

Professional photography can highlight the best features of a property, and most buyers even agree that they would rather see good pictures of bad listings, even fixers, than no pictures. Buyers like to educate themselves about what they are getting into, and pictures are a great way to help them. As an added bonus, you'll spend less time on calls from people who really won't be interested in certain properties, and have more calls from genuinely interested parties.

After all, picture is worth a thousand use an attractive shot of yourself in your ads, don't you?

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Janis Calkins
Ventura Property Shoppe - Ventura, CA


Absolutely good advice. I have seen so many bad pictures on our local MLS. Sometimes there is only one picture or there will be a picture of something even totally unrelated to the beauty of the a plant or something! Good photography and presentation is absolutely what sells a home these days. Most clients today start their search online looking at the pictures. When they see what they like, then they pick up the phone!  Right on....

Janis Calkins

Ventura Property Shoppe

Ventura, California

Jan 28, 2009 07:59 AM
Elizabeth Bolton
RE/MAX Destiny Real Estate Cambridge, MA - Cambridge, MA
Cambridge MA Realtor

Hi Rebecca,

Absolutely!! I hate bathroom shots. And bad bathroom shots are even worse. One of my "favorites" was a listing that had photographs of the three bathrooms and in each one there was a partial roll of t.p. sitting on the sink or on the back of the toilet.  What a feature!!  You have to wonder what on earth people are thinking.


Jan 28, 2009 10:08 AM
Rebecca Brooks
HotSpot Property - Winnipeg, MB

I get a chuckle out of some of the one of my "faves" which was a fuzzy close-up of a safety bar in a tub surround. But you couldn't even see the tub, just the bar! It just makes me laugh.

Jan 28, 2009 10:35 AM
Photo Photo
Chicago, IL


I couldn't agree more. I often hear excuses from agents defending insufficient ads. Here on active rain I have seen plenty of agents with more than enough talent to take thier own photographs. However, for every agent that can measure up to the professionals there are hundreds of agents who cannot. It is a disservice to any client that is poorly represented by substandard photos "of toilets" and not represented at all by multimedia tools like virtual tours, video, etc...

Below is a great example of a client our company recently represented in the Milwaukee area with professional virtual tours and photographs. This client went outside of the agent to get these photos and virtual tours and did not pay more than $100 for the service. It is guaranteed to add traffic to their listing based on the photos that were replaced.

Listing agents photos on the left...replacements on the right...which ones appeal to you?

Haseltine-Photo Professional Photos

Jan 29, 2009 05:44 AM
Rebecca Brooks
HotSpot Property - Winnipeg, MB


Wow! What a great comparison. I couldn't even imagine wanting to go seethe house on the left, it looks so dated and small. It looks like two different houses!

Jan 29, 2009 06:02 AM
Johnathan Mullaney
Village Land Shoppe - Flagstaff, AZ
Broker, Flagstaff Real Estate

I know what you mean however I just went into a rental with a bachelor and a 5 year old. Ouch, where do you start. if you pick up one thing what about the 10,000 other things. I did however put the toilet seat down (ick)


Jan 31, 2009 08:56 AM
Troy Erickson AZ Realtor (602) 295-6807
HomeSmart - Chandler, AZ
Your Chandler, Ahwatukee, and East Valley Realtor

Rebecca, sometimes I don't understand what people are thinking.  As a real estate agent, I feel it is our job to help the seller understand what it is going to take to market their home to it's fullest potential.  This includes cleaning up the clutter, taking good pictures (removing all dirty items and definately having the toilet seat down), and keeping the home clean at the very least.

Feb 01, 2009 05:01 PM