ICE ICE BABY here in Kinderhook NY
We don't have this in Southeast Florida!
All the attention on Broad Street in Kinderhook NY this weekend was because of the spectatular display of ice creatures on the front yard of John Hanaham.
John's friend, Haminio is a graduation of culinary school and has been doing ice sculptures for quite awhile. He started out with one or two last year, but this season he went all out. There are eight now. This morning they were all hold OBAMA signs and American flags. Quite a sight for Rebuplicans and Democrats alike.
The cold weather has helped to maintain the statues. My favorite is the lion, being a Leo and all.
All weekend the cars from all over stopped to take pictures. Youngsters sat on them and for a while Haminio was out giving everyone the details of the makings.
This is just another reason to be part of Kinderhook, the people, the talent, the joy.