
Realty Right Wayne Taylor

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty 24376 WA

Has anyone used or heard anything on the company Realty Right out of Belvidere IL.?  The President Wayne Taylor Claims to send you a list of 100 new names each month of home owners who just became 60 days late on their mortgage.  You co-market with Realty Right with the hopes of either, they do a loan modification in which Realty Right gives you a 30% referral fee or you get a short sale listing and then you pay Realty Right a 30% referral fee.  I want to know if they are legit and are really taking care of the client not just getting money from people that are in trouble. 

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I too got the note from Wayne Taylor about filing bankruptcy.  Funny but now they have a new company Called ReProagent.  Be aware this guy is a scammer.    I lost only $600 but I found others who lost a lot more.  The agents on their website are all in CA.  Try the new website  It is the same scam but now the try to sound legit with an attorney backing them

Jun 29, 2009 09:56 AM

Stay away is right. I too was a victim of Waynes program. I joined up last November and tried to cancel in January for financial reasons and he said that I had to wait for the territory to be reassigned. Never heard that in the beginning as a matter of fact, the deposit was supposed to be refundable at anytime. Which I asked for consistently for 6 months. I too got the ole letter of bankruptcy just last week after I asked yet again for my deposit back. SO, I asked him if I should start contacting him at his NEW COMPANY...that's right another one doing the same thing...for my $595 deposit back. I am considering filing a complaint with the IL board on his license and with his REALTOR Association. I only joined up because I did find him on NAR as a FELLOW REALTOR. He Sure isn't acting like one if you ask me. Heads up for the new program

Jun 30, 2009 01:44 AM

I did try to file a complaint with the Board of Realtors.  They said they couldn't help. I tried his local board and they said all they could do it call him and suggest he refund money.  I have heard he is under investigation with the Attorney General.  We just need to file every complaint we can.  When I got the new business "opportunity" I responded and said I would never trust him.  He said he was sorry I felt that way.....Lots of sympathy there.  Meanwhile he has all our money and is on to the next scam

Jun 30, 2009 03:43 AM

Watch out! Wayne Taylor is back as   Similar spiel. He says he has a 'local attorney' named T. Thaddeus Marshall. I went to Mr. Marshalls office today. He closed the office on June 30, 2009. There is no forwarding information. His landlord asked me for help in finding Mr. Marshall. Suggest you find short sale processing help elsewhere.

Jul 06, 2009 11:22 AM
Wayne Taylor

Blog's are great, but have you ever noticed the people who throw the largest stones are the one's who want the most anonymity?

Take a look at the names of the people who have the most severe complaints.

I assure you all of these people have been contacted (if they where indeed ever members) to work through a resolution. At our highest membership level at RealtyRight we where just over 1200 members. Most of those 1200 have worked with us to a satisfactory solution including Pavel Pavlov which you see above.

As the legislative regulations around loan modifications and short sales have changed the model RealtyRight initially began operating under had to as well. Loan mods and in some cases short sales in most states are now an act of law that must be preformed by a state licensed attorney.

While many are content with the idea of operating outside of the law, RealtyRight and I as its president would not. Thus when the model changed we had a few Members and Vendors that would not co-operate in the changes that needed to be made, thus the closing of RealtyRight.

It is our top priority to help homeowners in need WITHIN THE BOUNDRIES OF THE LAW, and to keep ourselves and our members in compliance with those laws. Those who believe in that as well is still working with us.

I welcome anyone who has an issue to please contact me directly to resolve it, my direct phone line is (815) 703-3119.  


As for the Marshall Law Group,

The Marshall Law Group, P.A. was founded in 2005 in Tampa, Florida by T. Thaddeus Marshall, Esquire. Mr. Marshall has been a licensed consumer attorney for 20 years in multiple states, including Florida. The Florida Bar website indicates that he has an unblemished record over the last 10 years with no complaints having ever been brought against Mr. Marshall for any reason. Throughout the last 2 decades, Mr. Marshall has never been sued, nor has a complaint ever been brought against Mr. Marshall by anyone in any forum. Prior to founding the Marshall Law Group, Mr. Marshall was a co-founding partner of Giosa and Marshall, P.C., a law firm with offices in Pennsylvania and New Jersey (n/k/a Giosa and Hetznecker, P.C.) where he practiced civil litigation and successfully presented cases to juries for 15 years before founding the Marshall Law Group in Tampa, Florida.


The Marshall Law Group recently relocated its offices from 2203 N. Lois Avenue, Suite 900 after having remained at its previous location for 4 years. The recent office relocation to 2109 Bayshore Boulevard, Penthouse 2, Tampa, Florida 33606 is part of a larger strategy being executed behind the scenes to expand the Marshall Law Group across multiple states in order to meet the rapidly expanding demand for its legal services. Other key changes being executed by the Marshall Law Group include a strategic relationship with a 25 year old leading national provider of key services to major law firms, corporations and court systems. This strategic partnership and other initiatives it is pursuing are enabling the Marshall Law Group to benefit from a highly scalable multi-level and back office infrastructure and efficiently accommodate rapid increases in demand for its legal services.


Further questions may be submitted to the following address:


Marshall Law Group, P.A.

2109 Bayshore Boulevard, PH-2

Tampa, FL 33606

(t) 813 251 6568

(f) 813 200-1540  

Jul 08, 2009 08:56 AM
Marilyn Koehler

Please return my money.  That is all I want.  I will then be happy to tell the world you indeed are a man of your word not a scammer and bad realtor like the world thinks we all are. 

Jul 12, 2009 06:49 PM
Lisa Rose-Mann


I have not been contacted for a resolution, as a matter of fact the last contact I tried to make to your email address was replied to with a letter of intention of bankruptcy which I of course took as...too bad, you're not getting your refundable deposit back. 

Talk about anonymity...where did you go?  No response from you.  Took down your website, no warning to your 1200 or so affiliates as you stated and also Disappeared off of the social networking sites. I can tell you that I did not even get as far to wonder how your program worked for 'Clients'.  The client I think everyone is referring to here is themselves.  I know I am.  You led me to believe that my deposit was refundable at anytime.  I have email correspondence to back up what happened to me.  At the point where I could no longer continue with the program and started asking for my refundable deposit back, I was met with a new clause I never heard about.  Replacement of my territory.  What...where did that come from.  So, I rode that out...and out...and out....I didn't think at first it was a big deal.  Well while I was ridding that out...the timeframe to file a complaint with paypal was expired and you would not release my deposit.  Then I was met with the letter of...well I have an attorney now and she will handle my emails.  Which she did...and she replied with the same answer...after the territory was replaced.  I never agreed to anything like that, that was not in any information I received.  I sent her the emails that I had showing that the deposit was refundable at anytime and never heard back.  Until again when I sent another email to you at which point I got the bankruptcy email.

It is a shame for all of the other, honest referral networks out there that some involved in this one have been burned.  I know I have and well...have 'learned my lesson'. What I say here is true...I have my emails to back it up.  The only thing I am missing is my $595 refundable deposit I gave you through paypal on November 20th. Asking everyone to contact you is ridiculous.  You should be contacting them...all of make resolutions.  I trusted you as a fellow REALTOR and I feel that you did not honor me them same way.

Jul 13, 2009 02:15 AM
Wayne Taylor

I'm sorry Lisa, I thought I had contacted everyone, please send me the best number to reach you today and I will get it worked out with you.

Also if there is anyone else that I haven't talked to yet please send me your contact number and I will call you right

Jul 13, 2009 02:29 AM

Where would you like me to send it?

Jul 13, 2009 02:33 AM
Lauralee McElroy ReMax All Pro

In search of information on Realty Right bankrupcy, I came upon this site and Amy's question.  I, too, am one of those who signed up in August 2008.  After receiving lists, with names on the list that I knew personally, and knew they had not missed one payment on their home, I requested my refund.  I was also told that they would need to find someone to fill my territory and then I would have my refund in about 30 days.  Never saw it.  I had printed the pages from the website, which he later changed, that read "if an any time you decide you do not want  to work the program any longer we will refund your Membership Fee in full and replace your territory, No Questions Asked!  Notice the order all of this was supposed to take place....refund then replace.  I repeatedly told him that and even emailed him my copies of his own site.  The next thing I knew, he emailed me notifying me of bankrupcy.  I have now emailed him again, telling him I had read his blog of July 13 and his resolving this issue with the "real" members.  I have, once again, requested my refund.   We will see.......

Aug 13, 2009 08:16 AM

Wayne is a loser and a scam artist!  I too have been asking for my refund for months and then got that bankruptcy email.  Wayne - I hope you end up going to jail for fraud!

Sep 24, 2009 08:36 AM

Still haven't seen a dime back....just keep this list updated.

Sep 25, 2009 03:26 AM

He sent me $100 and promised $100 a month till paid if I did not say anymore bad things about him. Guess what no more money and no response for the request of payment I sent. How do these scam artists continue to get away with this stuff>>>>>

Sep 27, 2009 04:13 PM
david beaulieu

This scam artist took me for $1800.00, I received an email from him stating he went bankrupt . Now i find out he is at it again. I plan on filing a complaint with the Illinois States Attorney, contact me and lets see if we can put this con man away.

Nov 11, 2009 02:58 PM
Marilyn Koehler

I did not lose as much but he still owes me $495 plus the $135 I paid for a service that didn't happen.  I am willing to help in any way to put this guy away

Nov 11, 2009 10:57 PM
Lisa Rose-Mann

I am ready as can see my thread up there too...he agreed to send me payments to pay me back...not even 1 dollar have I received.

Nov 12, 2009 01:05 AM
David Beaulieu

Wayne Taylor contacted me today. He told me his company never went bankrupt said he is broke and can't repay anyone. I am filing a complaint with the ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL LISA MADIGAN.

Below is a link for the complaint form and information on Realty Right & Wayne Taylor IF ANYONE WANTS TO CONTACT ME CALL ME AT 312-231-5097. The more complaints the better chance we have in stopping this guy from ripping off more Realtors.

Realty Right
3236 Be Ver Kreek Lane
Belvidere, IL 61008
Office (815) 703-3119
Fax (847) 580-4991

Illinois Attorney General
Consumer Fraud Bureau
500 South Second Street
Springfield, IL 62706
1-800-243-0618 (Toll free in IL)
TTY: 1-877-844-5461

Nov 13, 2009 05:14 AM
Michelle delancey
What is the matter with you? stop robbing people and make an honest living and raise them boys. there good boys.
Feb 05, 2010 12:09 PM

Help! My Lender sent an appraiser for my loan mod request. ( I was not behind on my payments) I met the appraiser and she introduced me to a man who introduced me to Marshall Law Group. I hired them and now I find out they were not legal in California to do business. I have asked for my money back Mr. Marshall promised me a refund and told me he was scammed by a group called Tracy Law. He stated he was in deep trouble. Well so am I. Any Ideas? I can report them to the Bar…more paper work,,,,ugg. 

Mar 14, 2010 11:41 AM
T. Thaddeus Marshall, Esquire

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My name is T. Thaddeus Marshall, Esquire, the owner of the Marshall Law Group. For the record, I have never ever had any type of business relationship with this person named Wayne Taylor on any level whatsoever. This posting is completely wrong in suggesting that I have ever worked with Mr. Taylor or with anyone associated with Mr. Taylor on any level. Over a period of 2-3 days in early 2009, I was contacted by Mr. Taylor for the first time ever. I had no knowledge of Mr. Taylor before that time. When he called me, Mr. Taylor requested that I consider entering into a business relationship with him. However, within 48 hours, I learned more about his background so I immediately terminated our communication and I never entered into any type of agreement or relationship with him thereafter. That single brief contact was the only interaction I have ever had with Mr. Taylor before or since that time. I later learned that he had apparently used that single brief interaction as a basis to claim to others that we were working together on some level which is completely false. After learning of this posting, I contacted the person who posted it, Barry Levinson, and personally assured him that I have never had any type of business relationship with Wayne Taylor. I also provided advice to Mr. Levinson regarding possible steps he could take to try to recover his money that he apparently paid to Wayne Taylor. In fact, I would be more than happy to try to assist any victims of Mr. Taylor in any way possible since his actions have damaged my reputation. If anyone has any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to send an email to

Thank you.

T. Thaddeus Marshall, Esquire
Marshall Law Group, P.A.

May 13, 2010 09:16 AM