I love it! I just got back from the store where I pulled my usual "No bags for me please" followed by the usual "You don't want bags?" which I follow with the "No bags please because even if you recycle, it takes more energy to make the recycling take place, so I am making moves to reduce my waste". Here's the kicker. My cashier looks at me and says "You recycle? I don't. I'm too busy to recycle." I asked her if she didn't have a recycling bin (because in Savannah, only people who live within city limits have curbside recycling). Here's the kicker: She did! It really drove me nuts. I just had to walk away. I can't abide ignorance. Luckily the other cashier mentioned that once you look at the bin to see what you can recycle, you can just switch the bin you are throwing it into. No sorting, nothing to soak up your valuable time and you can even save the earth. Fortunately everyone else in line agreed with me and the recycling cashier. Maybe someday people will understand.
This blog is dedicated to all the people in Savannah who pushed to get curbside recycling initiated. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.