I just have to laugh at this. NEVER welded before this week. The coverage on T.V. though is excellent. My body man has been helping out on the Impala restoration and watching him I noticed that sometimes he and ON T.V people just close their eyes upon welding contact. You don't want FLASHBURN of the eyes. O.K I understand the concept. However the standard welding helmutis so awkward, and DARK, how are you supposed to see what you are making contact with. Well it has taken a week of practice but I am proud to say YES I CAN WELD. So early this morning I had a patch panel to do before the body man comes over Saturday a.m. No problem. The mask is so dark that I have welded everything BUT my intended task. SO off with the mask. Easy, a tack here, a tack there, pretty soon It's all welded together and pretty tidy as well I might say. Good. All set for Saturday. After getting ready for work and on the road I noticed a slight tinge-ling on my face? Hmmm. Reaction to my better half's soap and luffa? I don't know. It will pass right. Carrying on I stopped by a clients house. (Good Friend too thank goodness)looking in the mirror the HORROR I have a TAN. WHAT? AHHHHH! So over coffee I nonchalantly asked, is my face red? He said yes, where have you been in the last few days. I said not MEXICO. Ahhhhhh Haaaaa! I told him what I was doing this morning and well he had a good chuckle. After spending most of the day alternating between a cold facecloth, vitamin E cream and what ever else I could slather on my face, the unpleasant feeling has passed and thankfully my darling wife just said," It's never boring being married to you".
Lesson learned, if your face feels HOT from the welding. STOP. It probably is and PUT ON THE SHEILD!
The adventures of the Realtor and Car Guy.