
Twitter Friend of the Week: Meet The ExStorminator!

Reblogger Gail Reeves Reid
Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Realty Specialists


Original content by Renae Bolton

Twitter Friend of the Week

I absolutely love the idea of promoting one another when we can! As a result, I have a project called "Twitter Friend of the Week." Each week, I'll showcase one or two of my Twitter Friends so that you can "meet" them.

One of this week's featured Twitter Friends is Gail Reeves Reid of Keller Williams Real Estate in Mississauga, Ontario. Here's what Gail had to tell us:

What is your primary business?
I am a wealth building consultant who educates consumers on wealth building through real estate acquisition.

What is unique about you or your business?
What's unique is that my goal is to have clients for life. I assist in helping my clients acquire their 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. property through real estate investing over the long haul.

What is one fun thing about yourself that most of us don't know?
I like to play practical jokes and I do it with a quite serious face.

Do you work from home or an outside office?
Both...I have a home office and an outside office.

What is your favorite computer application?

What is your favorite food?

If you could be a super hero, what would you be called and what would your super powers be?
I would be called the ExStorminator and I would use my powers to eliminate child poverty, child abuse and teach kids how to be the best they can be despite their circumstances!

What one piece of advice would you give someone who wants to get into your line of business?
You must have a "Big Why." Know why you are doing this business. What motivates you every day? What is your passion in life?

What is the follow link for one of yourTwitter Friends who you think everyone would benefit from following and why should we follow them?
@0tobreakthrough - Venice has found the secret from going from 0 to hero.

Gail is the one you want to know if you are even remotely interested in real estate investing. Get in touch with Gail to learn more about types of real estate that are available. But follow her on Twitter just because she's so much fun!@gareeves

Gail Reeves Reid
Keller Williams Real Estate Associates
Direct: 905.785.7282
Company Website
E-mail Me
Twitter Me

Want to be an upcoming featured Twitter Friend of the Week? Follow me and then send me a message that you're interested! TFOTW - Gotta LUV Twitter! Gotta LUV Twitter Friends!

~Renae - Market 4 Real!_________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Joey Ross

Hello Gail,

I think this is a great project you have started. Twitter is an amazing tool to help promote you business, meet tons of very helpful new friends,and is a large part of my daily activities. I will follow you and will be looking forward to your updates. Good luck.

Feb 03, 2009 03:24 AM